Chapter 8

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Sommer's POV:

I woke up feeling glum. I walked to the bathroom to take a shower. I took a quick shower and put on a random outfit.

I didn't put much make up today, except for mascara and foundation

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I didn't put much make up today, except for mascara and foundation. I grabbed my bag and locked the door. I walked to Milky Way and sat on the bar stool. Uncle Max came and stood across from me.
"How're you feeling today Sommer?" asked Uncle Max. I just banged my head on the table as an answer.
"I'll take that as a 'not good'" said Uncle Max while turning around to make something while I took my phone to go on Instagram and post a picture.


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sommer.rae Black and white⚪⚫

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sommerismydarling you look amazing💖

myloveforchips i LOVE this picture

iheartsommer this gives me LIFE

photographybyquinn would you answer your phone please...

I ignored Quinn's comment and liked random ones. A plate and a cup were placed in front of me. I looked up and saw uncle max smiling at me. I smiled back and muttered a quiet 'thank you' before digging in. He made me egg, bacon and waffles, with a cup of green tea. I ate all of it and then noticed that I have 10 minutes to walk to class. I put 20 euros on the table and walked out while waving at uncle Max. We had another lesson in the runway room, so I walked in and sat on the opposite side of where everyone was sitting. Headmaster Maffei came in with Ferrari and Tucker from the runway and he gestured me to go to the other side. I shook my head no. He gestured me again and I shook my head no again. He breathed out and looked at his papers.
"Here at the Fashion Academy of Milan, the exams are taken very seriously, as is indicated here in the regulations on page-" Maffei got cut off by Tucker.
"Three exams are held during the year, but if you fail just one of them you will not be permitted to sit the final exam" said Tucker.
"Uh, which is the Fashion Show" said Maffei chuckling.
"Also, on that day, the biggest names in fashion will be in attendance. One of you will be given the title of Best Fashion Student and will have the honour of opening Milan Fashion Week" said Tucker. I had a small smile on my face and everyone was looking at each other. Quinn smiled at me but I looked down, without smiling back.
"I'm not feeling too well all of a sudden. Too much anxiety" said Edu. I just rolled my eyes at him. Typical Eduard.
"Where is it? I don't see it" muttered Yuki while looking around.
"Calm down, students. Just concentrate on studying for your first exam. Simply focus on doing your best and everything will work out fine [nervously laughs] hopefully" said Maffei.
"Accessories! You'll find nothing is more important. You will design the perfect accessories for this beautiful dress" said Tucker while pointing to the dress that Ferrari uncovered. It was a beautiful purple and lilac dress, with a deep v-line.
"Earrings, bracelets, a necklace, or perhaps even a purse. Whatever it is you want" said Tucker.
"Go. Zy. I'm psyched" said Quinn unenthusiastically.
"And we decides that you'll be working in pairs" said Ferrari and I groaned loudly.
"But why?" whined Bianca.
"Because you will always have better results with two heads and four eyes" said Ferrari.
"But that's terrible" said Yuki. Don't worry, I'll pray for you Yuki.
"The pairs who will be working together are..." said Tucker.
"Maggie and Bianca" said Tucker but Maggie wasn't paying attention, she was too busy staring at Jacques.
"Maggie, didn't you hear me? You'll be working with Bianca" said Tucker, which managed to snap Maggie out of her daydream. They both groaned. I was partnered with Quinn and Jacques as there is an odd number of students. Yay. As soon as the bell rang, I tried running out before they could see me but to my unluckiness, Quinn caught me. I tried to get him off but that didn't work. Jacques was having this moment with Maggie but that was interrupted by Quinn. Jacques came and they dragged me out.
We went to the Milky Way. Well...Quinn and Jacques went and they dragged me with them. We sat down around a table and I gave up and took my MacBook out.
"Accessories! Why couldn't the exam be on something like photography?" said Quinn.
"Not having to do the exam at all would be better" said Jacques. I rolled my eyes. Leo joined so we were sat in a small circle.
"Why don't you focus on the work you have to do?" said Leo to Quinn. What work? Leo glanced at me and grabbed a piece of paper, wrote something and passed it to Quinn. Quinn made an 'oh' sound and looked at Leo.
"That. Yeah, sure" said Quinn. Suddenly Bianca came in. And the Nausica came in. I gave up trying to concentrate, so I grabbed my MacBook, bag and I left.
Jacques POV:
Quinn and I were in the garden, in the school. We were sketching some ideas when Leo came out of nowhere.
"So Quinn? You working hard for me or what?" asked Leo with this cocky tone. Working for him? I thought that we were working together!
"Sure thing" answered Quinn. Working on what?
"Good man" said Leo while walking away.
"What was that about? I thought we were working on this together" I asked him while hitting him in the leg.
"It's not about the exam" said Quinn.
"So what is it then?" I asked him. He looked around, as if to check if anyone was listening.
"Promise you won't say a word?" he asked me.
"You got it" I answered. I really want to know.
"Imagine that you had to write something poetic cream" said Quinn. Ice cream? Oooook... I just nodded.
"Ok? But maybe you don't like ice cream" said Quinn.
"Write something beautiful about ice cream but think about chocolate" I said, trying to find a solution.
"No, you can't do that" said Quinn.
"Why not?" I asked him.
"Because ice cream and chocolate are totally different" answered Quinn. But there's chocolate ice cream...
"If I wrote about ice cream while thinking about chocolate, the ice cream will know. It's not stupid, you know!" said Quinn. Well...he just exploded on me I guess.
"The ice cream?" I asked confused.
"Alright, I'll tell you but you can't tell anyone. Not a soul, you hear me?" said Quinn.
"Ok, I promise" I replied.
"The ice cream is very sweet and frosty" Quinn said.
"Yeah, I know" I replied. Everyone knows that ice cream is sweet and frosty. Duh
"How do you know?" asked Quinn.
"Everyone knows the ice cream is sweet and frosty" I replied.
"No" he replied while sighing.
"Listen, the sweet and frosty ice cream, is the sweet and frosty Queen, it's Sommer" replied Quinn. Oh. Ohhhhhh. So someone likes her? Well, now you have a small chance with her. What am I saying? I don't like her?
"So what do you think I should do?" asked Quinn.
"Try melting cause at the moment, she's very frosty" I replied.
"Ok, I guess I'll give it a shot" murmured Quinn. I high-fived him as he walked away.
Well, I hope it works...not.
Sommer's POV:
I was standing on the stairs, composing a new song, when I saw Quinn approaching me.
"Would you please stop following me like a lost dog?" I asked him annoyed.
"I'm only trying to work" he exclaimed.
"Well, go work somewhere else" I told him while closing my MacBook. I grabbed my bag and glared at him, huffing and turning around. I looked back and noticed that he finally walked off. I saw Maggie and Bianca struggling to open Nausica's locker, so I decided to help them for a little revenge.
"Gozy, I didn't know you had that in you" said Maggie while looking over Nausica's stuff.
"Me neither! Wow! Didn't think you had that in you!" Quinn said and I rolled my eyes at him.
"It's not in here" said Maggie as she stood up.
"What's going on in here?" said Nausica while walking towards her locker. I looked away as Quinn started stuttering.
"This happened to my locker too once. Something about fermentation levels inside reacting with high or low pressure, and then suddenly it explodes. But everything's under control now, so you can move along. Come on" said Quinn, dragging me away, with Maggie and Bianca following.
"That was really fast thinking, Quinn, and intelligent. You surprised me" I told him truthfully.
"I surprised me too" muttered Quinn to himself.
Me, Maggie, Bianca and Quinn were in the Milky Way, drinking some drinks. Suddenly Jacques came and I tried to walk away but Quinn grabbed me and made me sit down again.
"Hey, partners, I've been looking for you. We gonna get to work or what?" asked Jacques to us.
"Your friend is following us around like a lost dog" I told Jacques while rolling my eyes.
"I just wanna know why the two of you were snooping around Nausica's locker and why were you running away before" said Quinn, while pointing at Maggie and Bianca and me later. I just sighed and looked away.
"There's my pick!" said Maggie while pointing at a jar near Uncle Max.
"Thanks for finding it, Uncle Max!" said Maggie happily.
"That's not yours. That was from Black Hole" said Uncle Max. I smacked my head on my head and groaned. I'm surprised I don't have a bruise already.
"No, it's not,Max. That's my lucky charm" said Maggie while forcing a laugh.
"What? Get your eyes off my treasure!" screamed Uncle Max.
"That pick belongs to me!" screamed Maggie while standing up.
"Easy now" said Quinn while grabbing her. She sat down and then suddenly started to reach towards it.
"That pick is mine! It's mine!" shouted Maggie.
"I think it's time to go" I said while grabbing my bag. Jacques grabbed her and put her of the floor. She muttered 'i'm fine' and then started to reach towards Max again. Quinn and Jacques then grabbed her and dragged her out of the Milky Way. I just shook my head and walked out.

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