Chapter 6

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Sommer POV:
I woke up to the sound of my phone alarm. I turn it off and try to stretch. Key word: TRY. Quinn basically blocked my arm and legs from any movement possible.
"Quinn" I whispered. I repeated his name a couple of times, but he didn't wake up. I managed to take one of my arms away from him and slap him in the face. He suddenly woke up and glared at me.
"Wake up idiot. We have school" I told him smirking, while untangling myself from him. He rolled his eyes and turned to face the other way. I grabbed a pillow and smacked him in the face with it. He groaned and stood up.
"I'll come here in one hour and you better be ready" he said while giving me a pointed look.
"Ok mum" I said while rolling my eyes. He threw a pillow at me, which hit me in the face. I glared at him as he walked out. I huffed and walked to the bathroom, while taking my towel.

*40 minutes later*
I finally finished showering, so I started looking for an outfit. I finally decided on one and started to put cream on. I put body spray and my underwear.

*20 min later*
I finally put my outfit on and did my hair.

*20 min later*I finally put my outfit on and did my hair

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I was halfway through my make-up when Quinn entered. He rolled his eyes, noticing that I'm not finished yet so he sits on the couch and goes on his phone.

 He rolled his eyes, noticing that I'm not finished yet so he sits on the couch and goes on his phone

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"Let's go" I said to Quinn while putting my shoes on. He nodded and grabbed his bag as we walked out. I locked my door and we went to the Milky Way, as we had 30 minutes before class started.
"Are you happy that we are finally starting photography lessons?" I asked him as we waited for our food.
Quinn nodded eagerly and started talking about all types of photography and and different camera work and how to use lightning in your favour in pictures. Halfway through the camera work discussion, our food came, thanks to Uncle Max, and we ate while taking (mostly Quinn).

*20 minutes later*
We finished eating and we left to go to class. We started talking about what we could be doing in class today and if it could be a painful or easy day.
We entered class and sat down next to each other.
"Class, why do you think a photography lover, like myself, ended up in fashion?" asked Professor Ferrari.
"By mistake?" Asked Quinn. I smacked him in the arm and glared at him.
"No. Because photography is not just a form of displaying the product. It must also capture the zeitgeist" Ferrari explained.
"Oh mummy! I'm afraid of spirits" said Edu while trembling.
"Exactly. Capturing the spirit of the moment. In other word what is fashionable" said Ferrari.
"I'm not that convinced" said Quinn.
"Well, your assignment today is to go out and take your version of a fashion photo" said Ferrari while sitting on the table.
"Can we take selfies?" asked Nausica eagerly.
"No, you'll be working in pairs" said Ferrari.
"Can I be with Quinn?" asked Bianca, not surprisingly. Quinn is amazing at photography, obviously Bianca would want to work with him.
"No you can't" I told her while smiling at her.
"Gozy! As a friend of mine would say" Quinn said while turning around. We winked at me, and I understood.
"You decide to like me now?" Asked Quinn.
"No! First, I don't want to work with Maggie. And second, you're the best photographer and I only work with the best" said Bianca. See, told you.
"Jacques, you'll be working with Maggie. Yuki with Eduard" I heard them mumbling a 'yes'. "And Nausica" Yuki started to mumble multiple no's.
"You and I will take beautiful pictures together, Eduard. You can take the pictures Yuki" said Nausica.
"But, I-" Yuki mumbled.
"Zip it, friendly piece of advice" said Nausica smugly. Yuki and Edu both groaned. The bell finally rang and we all stood up to get our bags.
"Just FYI, I'm not a great work partner. I really don't like working at all" said Jacques to Maggie.
"Really? That's weird" said Maggie, looking really confused.
"If anyone is weird, it's not me, it's you" said Jacques while walking away.
"I am not!" screamed Maggie as she started counting. Wow. Impressive. You just proved Jacques point, Maggie.
I sat on the stairs, in the hallway, thinking about ideas for the fashion photo. I was writing down which side of fashion I could capture and who could I use as my model. I have Cameron Dallas, Neels Visser, Lucky Blue Smith, Maddie Ziegler, Ariel Martin, Jordyn Jones,Lauren Riihimaki, Eva Gutowski and others. I met them all during some modelling jobs and meet and greets. I got to know them and they're all my best friends now. As I looked up and saw Maggie storming away from Jacques, while counting. I snickered and made a group-chat with all of them.

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