~I can go the Distance Pt1~

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" Shiro, slow down!" A sudden very 'manly' scream erupted from the dark skinned man clinging on for dear life on his cart as his unnaturally strong son pulled the cart. The man's usual tame black hair was flying everywhere as his son ran wildly towards the marketplace.

" Look out!" A few mindless civilians screamed as they ran to get out of the young man's way.

"Oops! S-S-Sorry, guys!" Shiro calls over his shoulder as he grimaced at his carelessness.

"Hey, watch where you're goin'!" More shouts rang as the dark haired teen pulled his father's cart into the busy marketplace. The curret load of produce and other valuables lurched forward as the Shiro made an adrupt stop causing his father to basically fall off of the seat and cause any passerby to quickly scurry out of their way.

Shiro let an awkward and pained smile spread across his face as many looks of distaste and disapproval of other people glanced his way. The pale skinned teen quickly shuffled over to his father in hopes of escaping the judgemental stares.

Shiro knows he should be used to it by now. The stares that is. You know from being the village freak, it causes alot of unwanted attention to be brought forth upon him. Then again theres not much he could do about it.

"Thanks, son. When old Penelope twisted her ankle back there, I thought we were done for." Coal chuckles and he clasps a gentle dark hand ontop of his signifigantly lighter skinned son's shoulder. In response, Shiro graced his father with a small smile of his own.

"No problem, Pop. Do you want me to unload or?" Shiro says while gesturing to the load behind them.

Coal's gray eyes widen and he quickly shuts down the idea, "Uh, don't-don't-don't unload just yet. First, I have to finagle with Phideas."

"Okay." He murmurs and leans against the rickty old wooden cart. No one could say that he didn't try.

"Now, Shiro, this time, please just..." Coal tries to say, but Shiro interupted his plea.

"I know, I know. Stay by the cart." Shiro says while rolling his stormy gray orbs and readjusting his white tunic.

Coal smiles proudly at his only son beofre saying, "That's my boy."

Shiro once again smiles back at his father before nudging him off to do business.

The raven haired boy huffed out a breath as he readjested himself to be sitting on the edge of the cart. He stared boredly at the passerbys as they continued their shopping. Most of the civilians ignored him, but there were a few who glance over his way before sneering and continued with their shopping.

He sighed, was anyone, other than his family, ever gonna like him.


"This is the last straw, Coal! That boy is a menace! He's too dangerous to be around normal people!" Someone screamed as they jabbed their dark finger into Coal's broad chest.

The carnage and pieces of the marketplace lay in ruins as the dust and smoke cleared away. Shiro sat on his knees and pieces of rock and rubble lay by his side. Various little cuts and scraped littered his pale skin and his raven hair tousled from his endeavor with his clumsiness. His stormy gray eyes widen as all the civilians turn their glares from Coal to him. Many of the people yell and throw stones at him as he ducks away from their cold glares. He didn't mean to cause the market place to crash and burn. It wasn't his falut entirely. He was just trying to help.

"He didn't mean any harm. He's just a kid. He-He just can't control his strength." Coal tries to explain as he hides his skinny son behind his body. That stops the people from throwing anymore stones, but they continue to yell. He glances behind him to see that Shiro's gray eyes started to water and he was gently trembling. No one could really notice, but he did.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2018 ⏰

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