Chapter Four.

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You zipped up your jacket as a cold gush of wind blew you by. Little flakes of snow drifted from the sky and unto the ground like powedered sugar.
Winter was intense normally... But tonight... Tonight there was something magical in the air.
You puffed your cheeks out and blew wisps of breath out into the cold air pretending you were a dragon.
It was eight, maybe nine P.M, and depsite the freezing tempertures you weren't in any rush to get home. It seemed as if even the streets were quiet since not a car had passed you by tonight.
As you walked, pockets in your hands,  you started to hear what sounded like faint footsteps somewhere in the distance.
It didn't settle well in your stomach, and you picked up your pace.
A feeling of uneasiness resided within you.
They got louder.

Clack... Clack... Clack...

Your speed increased.


A panic began to rise in your chest.

Clack, clack, clack!!!

You were in a full on sprint, and you heard them accelerate. Someone was definitely chasing you now. You ran around the corner, and down an ally before they could see you to throw them off.
You crouched down behind a dumpster, biting your tongue lightly to prevent you from noise.
You heard nothing more, until a moment later when a shadow seemed to be advancing towards your hiding space.
You sucked in your breath. Heart pounding.

Tha-thump, tha-thump, tha-thump!

They were standing on the opposite end of the dumpster.
Later though, you heard the steps fading away. When suddenly your hand slipped and the flat cardboard  box beneath you slid and you slipped out from behind the trash.
You looked up and saw a figure standing at the end of the ally and his head snapped back to look at you when you slid.
Your froze, and your heart pumped frantically as you scrambled to your feet ready to run.
But before you could get too far your lungs were on fire and he grabbed you by the hoodie of your jacket and your body slammed into the ground.

Your body was paralyzed depsite your attempts to move.

No... Not like this...

You thought as he crouched, looking down on you.
His lips were drawn into a thin smile, his face unrecognizable with blond curly locks that framed his face, and dark green eyes.
"Your slippery, ain't ya...?" He examined you. He had a bit of an accent.
Your eyes scanned the scene for a weapon. Before you could actually form words, he picked you up by the collar of your shirt and pinned your body to the wall.
You tried to make sentences with short, breathy, gasps.
A sense of fear was closing in on you and you shut your eyes as you flailed in his grasp. You attempted to scream while he began undressing you.

"Hey, you! Stop!!"

You heard a shout from the other end.
Everything was sort of a blur as the man unhanded you and you collapsed to the floor.
It was him... Sangwoo.
Sangwoo came strolling up to the mystery man with a strangely arrongant grin plastered to his features.
"Sang-Sangwoo...?" You gasped out trying to replenish your oxygen deprived lungs.
His eyes moved to you and widened with a surprised look. They glanced back at the man.
"You know... I hate men like you... " He remarked not phased at all.
Your mouth hung open in astonishment of his bravery, and cocky attitude.
"Men who prey on young girls in allyways... Not even charasmatic enough to reel them in on your own."
You were dumbfounded by his words but grateful enough to have found a savior. Your eyes were really squinty, and you couldn't make much out.

Sangwoo grasped the man by the hem of his shirt and threw him into a wall, throwing a few punches out.

Blood dripped to the ground, inches away from your face, probably freezing the second it hit the ground. You struggled to get up, your back against the wall.

You flinched with every punch. 

Soon enough, Sangwoo had sent the man running off far, far away from you. 

Sangwoo's back was facing you , and you could hear his heavy breaths. He turned, chest rising and falling rapidly. 

His eyes were foggy... Demented... And then. Just like that they cleared up.

He smiled roughly, and held his hand out to you.

You glared at him skeptically your body shaking from the cold, and the smell of blood. 

"Y/n, are you okay?" He whispered softly. You inhaled slowly, and grasped his hand. 

He pulled you up carefully examining you for pain.

"Does anything hurt...? What're you doing out here so late?"

You were in your right enough mind to ask him what he was doing out this late but didn't have the energy to wonder too much.

"I'm fine..." You replied tiredly. His brow was furrowed and he seemed to be extremely concerned with your well being. 

"Come on... Let's talk."

Plot Twist. ( READER INSERT, DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now