Chapter Seven: Laughing Snakes

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                           I whirled my head around towards the hollow clack of the footsteps and my heart wrenched. "Hey there, (Y/n)!" An accented voice coursed through the air between us. I felt my limbs grow tense as a familiar man's eye's glared deeply into mine. "Where's ya boyfriend...? Is he here? I wouldn't want to get the ever-loving shit beat out of me again. The boss don't like the way that look." A street light illuminated the smile that was beginning to curve on his lips. "If you step any closer, I'll fucking stab you...!" I spat as I stumbled back a few steps. My eyes anxiously scanned for a weapon of any kind. He lightly moved forwards on the tips of his toes as he eyed my every movement.

C'mon, anything.... Anything....

My eyes spot a broken shard of glass laying amongst some litter. I picked it up quickly, and gripped it a little too hard considering that my hand started to bleed. I could see my breath drifting away from me, and I was horrified that if he got any closer it might not come back. "Stab me lass? Eh? Well, be my fooking guest!" He laughed a little as he inched further. It was like were dancing some kind of fucked up dance. He'd step forward, and I'd step back. I'd slip to the side, and he'd follow in front of me.  

"Hey! Dick!"

The musical tone of Sangwoo joined the party. I saw his silhouette appear from behind a corner. "Sangwoo!" I shouted, somewhat irritated that he had disappeared previously. "Awe, fook! It's you again." The man grumbled. His disgruntled facial expression didn't wear away into that of fear just yet though. I cornered him, glass still in hand, and Sangwoo approached on the other side. I suddenly felt my adrenaline sky-rocket as he lunged towards me. Sangwoo attacked him from behind, pounding his fists into the man's head with lightening speed. I could see Sangwoo's knuckles bruise and color with blood, but he wasn't stopping. 

"Please! I give, you crazy fuck! I GIVE!" The accented man screeched. I could hear the beating off fist on skull. "Sangwoo! Stop!" I cried out as I pushed his heavier form off of the new victim. Sangwoo was panting strongly as he wiped a splatter of crimson from his brow. The man stood up and wobbled like a spring toy. He was clutching the back of his skull violently, and as soon as he went to run off past me, I felt someone push into my back and the shard entered just between his ribs. "ACK-!" He held his chest and fell before my feet. I couldn't hear anything. No screams. No sirens. Not even my own chest rising and falling at a rapid pace. Only a tinnitus type of ringing plaguing my ears. My palms were warm and wet, and I fell to my knees, making eye contact with the stab wound that was emptying the mans life. I stared wide eyed for a long time before I felt my side hit the pavement. "He's dead." I heard a voice say. I assumed it was mine. Sangwoo's hand gently touched my shoulder, and when I looked up he nodded. Sympathetically? Salt water drowned my face and I was choking. I felt his strong arms pull me to my feet and I leaned against him, unwilling to stand. "This was... This was a goddamn accident!" He belted after a minute. I gazed up at him, studying his every facial twitch. Unfortunately, my brain must have not been working too well because I couldn't make out what he was feeling at all.

'Where are we going...?' I wanted to ask. Instead I said nothing at all.

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