Chapter Eleven: Daddy Issues

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                 I fucking  hate rollercoasters. My eyelids are sore from clenching and my stomach wants to commit seppuku. I don't have a problem telling Sangwoo this either.

"AHHHHH-FUCK! IF WE DIE ON THIS GODDAMN ROLLERCOASTER I WILL PERSONALLY- DRAG YOU DOWN TO HELL WITH MEEEE YOU COFFEE DRINKING, ARROGANT, FUCKER! " I screeched with the power to shatter a million wine glasses. I felt a... warmth squeeze my hand (?) as we descended to a slow and steady stop. The other riders were cheering with adrenaline shot bodies and excitement. I on the other hand, stumbled off gracelessly and gripped my gut. "F-Fuck..." I spoke with whiplash. Dumb rollercoasters. 

'It'll be so much fun (Y/n)!' Fun my ass. Sangwoo placed a soothing hand on my shoulder. "Do you feel sick?" He asked with a frown. I turned and held up a hand. "I'm fine..." My lips uttered with a deep exhale. His eyes were full of amusement. "Sure?"I nodded. "I'm good, no worries...." My lungs were finally catching breath. Worriedly he sighed. "Haven't you ever been on a roller coaster before, your body is taking it terribly." My face contorted into an expression of confliction. "Uhm, only maybe twice.... " I shrugged now, as his eyes filled with a curious air. "Really? I've been like, a gazillion times." He placed a hand on his hip like he was demanding some kind of explanation. I didn't really know what to say to be honest. Maybe I didn't have to say anything at all. "I think that roller coasters are the basis of a good childhood. Even though my family wasn't super great on cash my mom made sure that we had fair money... It was kind of like... That one thing y'know? Our one luxury." He stared off into no where for a minute before looking back at me. I beamed at him, admiring the way he looked in this light.

Ew, did I really just say that?

"I know exactly what you mean... Ha... Travis would always run off with the family money when I was a little kid." We continued walking around the littered fair grounds as we talked. A little girl dropped her ice cream. When I craned my head back up at him he was looking down at me. "What?"

"Who's Travis?"

"My dad." I responded with a cold gush in my chest. My dad..... As if one question wasn't enough, Sangwoo took it upon himself to ask another one. "Why was he always running off with the money...? Was it for drinking?" He almost jumped up in down with some kind of controlled hope. "Nope. Sorry. He wasn't an alcoholic. Just an asshole." My mouth hooked upwards into a soft smile. I felt the need to interrogate him further on his childhood. It was strong, but I tried to repress it from fear of being rude. I'd rather not say anything at all. Did his  father drink?                    "Oh... That's okay." The male replied absently. "So, asshole? I can deal with asshole. Why on earth would a father to such a great kid, still have the nerve to be an asshole?"I could hear the smirk in his voice and I considered elbowing him. "Flattery will get you no where near my childhood." I rang playfully.

"I'll tell you what happened to me, if you tell me what happened to you....." Sangwoo spoke suddenly as we made our way through the crowd. The sun was sinking into the ground now, and remnants of the first stars were trying to reveal themselves.  "Lets just say, I might have daddy issues." He grinned at me, and I wanted to crack up. "You have daddy issues?" I raised an eyebrow with a simper. He nodded very seriously with happy eyes. "Very much so. I'll let you know all about it, if you tell me about your father." His supposed attempt at persuasion was endearing. A heavy sigh vibrated out of me and I plopped down onto a bench, lightly patting the spot next to me. Instead of sitting his ass to the seat like a normal person, he laid down across the remaining space on the bench, and let his head rest on my left thigh. I was startled at first but eventually I allowed my hand to lay on his head. Occasionally stroking his hair, he shut his eyes. "My dad..." I huffed with a chuckle. "I never thought I'd be talking about this. You really kill me Sangwoo, you know that?"

He smiled.

"My father... Travis was disgusting. For the first ten years of his marriage to my mom, he worked as a psychologist.... He really loved his job, and was always trying to spew out cool facts at the dinner table, which is, I guess why I'm so interested in it now? Things were great... At some point I suppose. Not all my memories are crappy. Shit really hit the fan when I turned six though, because it was the first time he actually decided to lay his dirty hands on my mom."

My blunt words forced Sangwoo's eyes to shoot open. "You too?"

I felt my brows knit together and I looked down at him. "Are you asking if he hit me too?" The dirty blond narrowed his eyes at me. "No, I meant.... Nevermind. Keep going." He shook his head and closed his eyes again. Curiosity tried to pry my mouth open but I fought it."Well, okay then.... Arguments would always get heated as hell in my family, and she was a little woman... So she had trouble... Physically winning these arguments if ya know what I mean." I instinctively laughed, but my face dropped. His arm moved upwards above his head, and he grabbed my hand.... I felt stiff, but I started to ease into the contact. He rubbed comfortingly circles into my palm with his thumb. "I try not to think about it..." I shook my dismissively. He exhaled gently and offered me a gaze of consolation. "You don't have too.... If you don't want too...."

"No... No...  can talk about it... This isn't super hard or anything." I said. Mainly to myself I guess. My eyes took in everything around me. Sparklers and L.E.D lights... Rides... Food... Couples, children, families.  "I used to think about it more when I was younger.  Like... Late teens, early twenties."

"How old are you?"

"Twenty four."

He cracked up. "You're still  in your early twenties." I smacked the damn liar. I was getting old. At least I felt old. "Shut up. I'm old. Anyways... Its not even like 

I felt an undeniable anger rushing through me and pricking my skin like the thorn of a rose. How hard is it to just try to- Oh shit. I felt my phone buzzing against my thigh and I dug it out of my pocket. 

I didn't recognize the number. 

My finger swiped the answer button and I pressed it to my ear. "Hello...?"

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