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I sat at the table everyone was eating

"I'm going to (Gonna make up a random town bc I don't think they want their town leaked and Autumn you now live Texas) Texas then Illinois"

"A ha ha ha no your not!" Elton sarcastically laughed

"Why not I'm 17 I bought my own car, I buy my own gas, I'm going Elton"

"No your not"

"Yes I am!" I go upstairs and start packing for about 5 weeks, I carry the bag to my car and hug them bye,

"Bye Babe stay safe"

"I will" I peck his cheek and leave, well on my way to Texas to pick up Autumn.

I finally pull up to Autumn's house, we've only met once before I started dating Colby and I haven't told her. She peeks out the window and I stood there smiling, she runs out and hugs me.

"What are you doing here Abby?"

"We're going to Illinois then back to California!" I smile and she squeals, running in grabbing clothes. She says bye to her parents and I pull out of her driveway. I keep my eyes on the road as my phone starts ringing

'My Babe💖🕶'

I answer from the radio, I slowly down a little.

"Yha Colby?" Autumn looks at me shocked

"Have you made it to Texas yet?"

"We're on our way to Illinois right now"

"Oh Hey Autumn!"

"Wait are you two actually dating!?"

"Almost a year now!" She squeals

"Alright Colbs I gotta go it's starting to rain"

"Alright babe stay safe please!"

"I will love you bye"

"Love you to bye" I hang up and concentrate on driving, as my GPS tells me I'm 15 minutes away I look over and see a car turning over to my line. Me being a sucky drive I yank the wheel to the left

(. Ps it's a interstate

The side she swerved on The side you normally drive on
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As I realize I'm on the wrong side of the road I see a car heading for all. I swerve more left and hit the gravel again, I break the side rails and start going down a hill. I start quickly moving the wheel Terrified,

"HIT THE BRAKES YOU IDIOT!" Autumn yells, as I slam on the brakes I land in a ditch. I hear a pop and realize the radiator blew up, I go to open the door and it won't open.

"It won't open Autumn" she sighs and pulls her pant leg down kicking my window, she crawls out and breaks my window. I feel the glass scratch my face, as she breaks it.

"Come on!" She screams as I hear thunder, she starts up the hill. I go behind her and grab trees to help me up the hill, as we get there there was police cars and an ambulance. They all looked shocked, we both had mud on our clothes and cuts on our faces. They check mine and Autumn's stuff as a police comes up.

"Ma'am you left your phone" he hands me it and I see 50 missed calls from Elton, and 100 from Colby, 48 missed calls from Sam, 43 missed calls from Sandy, 53 missed calls from Corey, 3 missed calls from Aaron, and 42 missed calls from Aubrie I call Elton back first 'big mistake'

"I TOLD YOU-" I hang up I almost died and he was yelling at me, I call Colby back and he answers softly

"Hey are you and Autumn ok!?"

"Yes we're fine"

"They told Elton that you were supposed to be dead but you missed the trees and if you kept going the engine would've blown up...." He keeps going but I zone out watching my car being pulled out from the ditch.

"They said you both fell over 900 feet"

"Sorry I'll call you back in a while bye babe"

"I'm so so so sorry Abby!"

"Why are you sorry I almost killed you!"

"I broke your window!"

"I'll let that slide if you let me almost killing you slide" She nods and hugs me, I hug back and start crying in her shoulder, I should've listened to Elton.

"Don't cry or I'll cry!"

"I'm a horrible friend!"

"No no no no your not!"

"I almost killed you!"

"So I'm alive your alive aren't you!?" I nod and smile, the cop brings us to the back of the car, and brings Autumn home. He looks at me in the rear view mirror

"You ok Abby?"

"How do you know my name?"

"Your Uncle? told me now you wanna tell me what happened"

"When we were driving someone swerved to my lane, so I swerved because I'm a horrible driver, we went to the wrong lane and almost went head on with the car, and I turned more and ran off the room. He nods and keeps driving. About 10 at night I see the town sign as we pull in to the town, I wait as I see the house. I see 4 figures outside waiting, one punched the wall another was freaking out, another was trying to calm the one who punched the wall, the last one was the calmest, Sam, he was calming down the one who was freaking out. He pulls up and lets me out then leaves, I run up to Elton and start sobbing.

"I'm sorry I should've listened to you!" He rubs my back, he was the one freaking out. I cry in his chest he whispers in my hair.

"It's ok as long as your alive" he keeps me close to his chest, I see Colby and Sandy run over.

"E-Elton is she ok?" I hear Colby ask, I let go of Elton and hug Colby. I keep sobbing

"Shhh baby it's ok" I quiet my sobs as I hug Sandy shortly then Aubrie. Colby leads me inside seeing my small cuts and bruises and then bandages where the big ones are. Sam looks at me like he just saw a ghost

"Oh my gosh..... is Autumn and Brooke ok?"

"Autumn's fine, but Brooke wasn't with us" he nods and kisses my head

"Go to bed Abs I'll talk to you when I wake up and you wake up"

"Night Elton" he smiles and kisses my forehead one more time, then Colby leads me to the room. I lay down and he cuddles me

"I'm so happy your ok" he whispers in my hair.

"It's my fault I should've stayed in my lane.." he frowns, and kisses my cheek, I slowly fall asleep.


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