25 (a happier ending)

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Colby and I walked in Sam and Sandy's new house Colby and Colleen ran around not realizing we were there, Colby held a new baby car seat that held a small delict baby inside. Sam hugged Colby then Me smiling brightly

"Thank you Abby and Colby" Sam had said thank you to us every day since the fire, he was grateful that we saved him and his newly wedded wife. Life was good, there was only small scars on the Colby and I from where rubble hit them.

"UNCLE COLBY!" The two twins yell running at their uncle, I had walked off with Sandy holding the baby closely

"He's so beautiful what's his name?"

"Samuel, Colby thought it'd be a cute name on him.." I smiled down at the small baby who giggled grabbing my hair softly, Sandy smiled at them both before laughed at the two men who had children crawling around on him, Elton and Aubrie walked in their three kids running straight for Sam and Sandy's soon came in Devyn and Corey their child walking in behind them, and lastly Aaron and his son Max. I got up handing Samuel off to Colby hugging them all.

"I've missed you Max!" I say laughing while hugging the teen, he hugged back smiling

"I missed you too!" He laughed a bit, we had a cook out and talked about random shit, soon Colby and I left to go back home, we lived about 15 blocks from Sam and Sandy so it wasn't a long drive

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