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"Hello everybody and welcome to scare Abby (scare pewdiepie) where my assistants take me through some crazy shit let's go!" I jump over the fence smiling at them as Colby watches me. As I walk out I see a egg, I go to it reading a note then picking it up.

Time Skip

I sit in a chair while a voice boomed through my speaker ear piece thing.

"Hello astronaut Ganley, the aliens have token over the ship, if these eggs hatch you'll end the world, but your not alone" A door opens as I take my blindfold off, I look over seeing my friend Naomi (pandacorn5702 )



"Astronaut Ganley you have 3 minutes to cut the red and the black wires"

"Oh wow you get three minutes and I've been here for three hours" I look over seeing wire cutters, I climb up on the chair grabbing them then jumping down. I kneel to the floor focusing on the wires I snip a white wire and I hear her let out a yelp


"Sorry sorry!" I snip a grey wire and she yells again, I finally snip the red and black wires. I get up pulling two white pads off her hands

"Oh it really did shock you!"

"Um yea!"

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry" I run over to a now open box and pull out a key unlocking a small chain that was on my ankle then head over to Naomi unlocking the chains on her.

"Astronauts in the tube is captain Sparks the key cards are around his neck" Lasers appear and I look over at her shocked

"Oh boy" she gets on the ground crawling under while I stood on a ledge jumping over lasers, she stands up and I go to crawl under but hit a Laser, we both scream as it sends electronic shocks through our bodies. She pulls me out and I groan


"We gotta get there" I try my approach again as she does hers and we succeed,

"Astronauts there will be a six color sequence once you memorize them place your hand on the hand print on the door and repeat them" I nod looking at Naomi, she nods also as six colors appear, all I see is red, blue.

"Red, Blue..."

"I know the last 4 are Red, Green, Blue, Red" She places her hand

"Red, Blue, Green, Red, Green, Blue, Red-GAHH!" We both scream and the voice booms again

"We will go down to a five color sequence" a bunch of colors play and I nervously put my hand on the hand print

"Red, Blue, was there a yellow?" We both scream as it shocks us again

"We will play a two color sequence" Red and Green flash

"Ok Christmas Red, Green!" She pipes, I place my hand on the door

"Red, Green" I hear a ding as the door pops open

"Sorry Sargent Sparks" I say as I take the two key cards off his neck and clip them on Naomi, and I. We both do our technique's, and slip the cards in slot, a big door opens revealing an alien. We both take off running right through the lasers as Maggots falls surrounding us, we find a hold leading into a giant blow up ball, we quickly climb in and start moving. We go until we can see the van

"You put the exit on the bottom you idiot"

"Sorry!" We turn it and climb out as everyone (my assistants and editors) run out.

"Ok ok it's over" we both pant heavily

"That's the most Exercise in about four months!" She laughs at me a bit and climbs into the van, I follow as she hugs me

"It's been forever!"

"It has! I can't wait to introduce you to everyone!" They drive us back to the house, and we quickly run out and inside.

"BOYS!" Colby, Aaron, Sam, Elton, Corey, Circa, and Buddy all run down

"Boys meet Naomi! My best friend Naomi meet Colby my boyfriend, Sam our best friend, Aaron our other friend, Princess Chief Uncle Elton or cousin Kyle, Corey our friend or dancer of the house, Circa Elton's dog Sam and Colby dyed her pink, and Buddy Aaron's cute little pup!" She waves hi as the girls run down

"Oh! And this is Aubrie Elton's girlfriend or my best friend, Sandy Sam's girlfriend or my best friend, Deyvan Corey's Girlfriend, and girls this is Naomi my best friend!" They all wave and we make our way up to Mine and Colby's room, I sit on the bed as we talk catching up with each other, while Colby sits at his desk editing.

"Can I sleep here?"

"Of coarse! You can stay on the couch if you want sorry were short handed..."

"Is Aaron single?" She whispers

"Actually yes!"

"C-could I sleep with him?" I start laughing a bit and call Aaron in, he peeps his head in


"Naomi wants to know if she can sleep with you?"

"Sure!" She gets up giving me a hug goodnight then leaving with Aaron.

"I ship it" I hear Colby mumble, I get up wrapping my arms around his neck

"I do to now come lay down I'm cold, tired, and lonely."

"Ok" he gets up closing his laptop, then going and cuddling me. I shut the light off and slowly fall asleep. Colby brushes the hair out of my face smiling

"Good night I love you so much Abby words can't understand"

"I love you to Colby there are no words on how much I love you" I smirk up at him placing a small kiss on his cheek, he smiles before closing his eyes falling asleep. I stare at the ceiling them the wall thinking 'how did I get such amazing friends or an amazing boyfriend like the ones I have?" Then after I fall asleep.

Colby Brock Where stories live. Discover now