Chapter 21- Alice

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Chapter 21- Alice

Ian flew us back to the station after the break-in  into the pod. The radio we found sat on my lap as we flew away. I couldn't help but look back at everything, at all of the pods the human insurgence had amassed.

"You are still thinking about it," Sin said, a more of a statement than a question.

"Yes," I sighed, looking away from his searching gaze.

"We should do something else, get our minds off things," Ian murmured. He looked to me, a soft smile adorning his face. "Maybe it would do you some good to get outside and get some fresh air," he gestured to my pale face. "Maybe you could go sightseeing!"

I nodded, "Yes, that would be nice." Maybe I could use the opportunity to find some information, something that could help the humans.

"I can lead you around," Sin offered. "I know much about the city, especially of the history." He turned to look at me carefully. "It would also be beneficial for you to meet the citizens of the Lunar Station, and for them to meet you."

"Yes," Drai agreed. "The Lunar Station is such a beautiful city, and the sunsets are amazing. Make sure Sin leads you to the clock tower and Imbrosin, it's my favorite restaurant. Bourde is the best there, right, Sin?"

"No, actually, giousi is much better than bourde," Sin teased back, an amused tone in his voice as he leaned back in his chair.

"You both are wrong!" Ian exclaimed, waving his hands around. Leaning towards me and whispering conspiratorially, "Don't listen to them, Alice, taramas is obviously the best."

I laughed quietly, "I suppose I should try all three dishes and settle the argument, then?" They all nodded and we neared the Lunar Station. "So, where will you be taking me first?" I asked Sin.

"It's not time for dinner, so not the restaurant yet. Just as Drai suggested, we shall go to the center square with the clock tower. We will walk along First Street, where most of the old structures are. They are historic buildings now, but still wonderful in their own way."

Drai waved her hand in front of his face, "Alice doesn't want to listen to how wonderful you think the buildings are. She is to meet her fellow citizens and get to know her way around here. And definitely no talking about the history!"

Sin rolled his eyes, "But that is the best part. Nevertheless, I am to show you around the city." He jumped out of the pod as it landed and held his hand out for me. Noticing my surprised expression, he continued, "Chivalry is not dead, now come on."

I placed my hand in his and he helped me down. Letting go of my hand, he pointed forward. "We can visit the gardens first, if you would like. The Ionan River is also not a sight to miss." Sin turned to me, obviously waiting for an answer.

"You can choose where we go," I smiled excitedly, urging him to continue. "I trust your judgement in where we go and the best places on the Lunar Station."

He grinned and started walking, an run as he raced ahead of me. "Well, then, you had better walk faster if you want to hit all the sites I have planned for you." I ran after him, catching up as he ran across the pavement.

His eyes were slightly closed, his hair tousled as the wind tangled them. He looked free and happy, and I stopped to watch him run on. "Come on!" Sin called, waving me over. A mischievous smile played on his lips as he sprinted ahead.

I sighed and followed him, ignoring the stares of the Oriehn we passed. Their eyes, round with surprise, followed me. I smiled at them, waving slightly, trying to seem friendly. They had to trust me for everything to work.

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