Chapter 1- Bella

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Bella huffed as she set her bags down at the airport, making a loud thud sound. She wasn't happy that she had to go to Forks by plane, her uncle, Zeus, the Lord of the Skies, would probably zap her out of his domain as soon as they took off.
Why was she the one that had to go learn about the vampires? She would rather stay back at camp, working on the Argo 2 with her boyfriend, Leo, and his siblings. She was probably the only person at camp, besides the Hephaestus cabin, who was good with mechanics. But no. Chiron had told her "you need to do this, Isabella. You are the only one  who we can get them to trust."
"Why not Piper?" She asked. "Shouldn't she be able to do that? I mean, with her charmspeak?"
"We cannot use charmspeak on the vampires, Isabella. Besides, if what Jason said is correct, and your brother is on the west coast, your bond with him will be stronger there."
Bella wasn't sure about the charmspeak, but if it could help her find Percy, she was all for it. He had been missing for almost three months.
"Flight 307 to Port Angeles, Washington, will begin boarding now." Said the flight attendant. Bella sighed and got up, boarding pass in hand, and got in line. Once she got on the plane, she prayed to Zeus for a safe passage. She really hated flying.

Once the plane landed, she moved to another terminal and got on her second flight, a flight that would take her to the small Forks airport. There she would meet up with her mom's cousin, her "uncle" Charlie.
During the 35 minute flight, Bella mentally recited her story, in several different languages. She was born knowing all 6,909 living languages, plus Latin and Ancient Greek, and she could speak to horses and fish, making a total of 6,913 languages.
My name is Isabella Swan. I was born in Forks, Washington, to Charlie and Renee Swan. My mother left my father when I was 6 months old, taking me to Phoenix with her. Last year, mom got married to Phil. Phil's a minor league baseball player, and was always on the road. Mom stayed home with me, but I knew it made her unhappy, so I figured I'd come stay with my dad for a while.  
To ónomá mou eínai i Izampéla Souán. Genníthika sto Forks tis Ouásinkton, ston Charlie kai ston Renee Swan. I mitéra mou áfise ton patéra mou ótan ímoun 6 minón kai me píre sto Foínix mazí tis. Pérysi, i mamá pantréftike ton Fil. O Phil eínai énas paíktis béizmpol í protáthlima kai ítan pánta sto drómo. I mamá émeine spíti me ména, allá íxera óti tin ékane dysarestiméni, étsi skéftika óti tha émena me ton bampá mou gia líg. (Greek)
Mit navn er Isabella Swan. Jeg blev født i Forks, Washington, til Charlie og Renee Swan. Min mor forlod min far, da jeg var 6 måneder gammel og tog mig til Phoenix med hende. Sidste år blev mor gift med Phil. Phil er en mi eller liga baseball spiller, og var altid på vej. Mor blev hjemme hos mig, men jeg vidste det gjorde hende ulykkelig, så jeg regnede med at jeg ville blive hos min far i et stykke tid. (Danish)
Je m'appelle Isabella Swan. Je suis né à Forks, à Washington, à Charlie et à Renee Swan. Ma mère a quitté mon père quand j'avais 6 mois, me conduisant à Phoenix avec elle. L'année dernière, maman s'est mariée à Phil. Phil était un joueur de baseball de mi ou ligue, et était toujours sur la route. Maman est restée chez moi avec moi, mais je savais qu'elle la rendait malheureuse, alors j'ai pensé que je serais avec mon père pendant un moment. (French)
After doing this, Bella felt safer with her story. She smiled when the plane landed, and spotted her "uncle" Charlie out in the crowd. Charlie himself was a demigod, a son of Hecate, goddess of crossroads and magic, so he used a spell to modify the memories of everyone in town. He also used a spell to make Bella look more like him, so people would believe she was his daughter.
She walked up to him, gave him a hug, and without a word went out to his police cruiser. As they drove through the small lumber town, Bella noticed a few things, like how every store had a wood carving outside, even though it was raining. It was always raining in Forks. It's not that Bella didn't like the rain, it just reminded her of her constant mood of hopelessness. She had been searching for her brother for nearly 4 months with no results. It was the weirdest thing, too. She had gone to sleep one night, Percy had set up a curtain to separate her bunk from his, so she could have a little privacy. They said good night to each other, and when she woke up in the morning, he was gone. She headed to breakfast, thinking he was already there, but he wasn't. Now, she didn't know what to do. It was as if he took a part of her with him, because, not only were they twins, they were best friends. Without him, she was just half of a dynamic duo. She knew she couldn't make it without him for very long. She needed to find him soon.
She smiled as they pulled up to the two story white house that she had visited so often as a kid. Charlie brought her inside and showed her her room, which was pretty small. A bed donned in a purple comforter sat in the middle of one wall, a nightstand on either side. A desk with a computer sat against another wall. There was a tall dresser, but that was mainly it.
"That's a pretty good work lamp." Charlie said. "The sales lady picked out the bed stuff. You like purple, right?"
"Purples cool. Thanks." Bella responded.
"Now I really wanted to show you the closet." He said.
From the outside, the closet didn't look like much. A single white slotted door opened to a small, square shaped room where Bella could hang her clothes.
Charlie pushed a button that was cleverly concealed behind an old flannel shirt, and the back slid aside to reveal a room with blue painted walls. It had windows that looked out, but none that looked in. It had white sectional against one wall, a huge flatscreen opposite it. In one corner there was a firemen's pole that went up and down.
"Where does that pole go?" She asked
"Down to the second basement, where I keep a ton of extra weapons, and a bunch of insanely fast cars. There's a car lift down there that will bring you to street level, and each car comes with a built in saytr chauffeur that will bring the car back here if need be."
"How would I get back up here?" She asked.
"Oh that's simple. Just say up. Then say where you want to stop, or else it'll bring you all the way up to the roof."
Bella jumped on the pole and went all the way down, and what she saw amazed her.

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