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I was fine with Mike showing me where the cafeteria was. I was fine with him showing me through the lunch line. What I was not fine with, however, was what happened when I got to the table.
"Hey Mikey, I see you met my homegirl Bella." Eric said as Mike and I sat down.
"Oh, your homegirl?" Mike asked
"My girl." Tyler, aka the rando who sassed my ride, said before he kissed my cheek and then pulled Mike's chair out from under him and ran.
"Wow." Jess said. "It's like first grade again, and you're the shiny new toy."
"I'm used to being the new kid, but not this way." I said
"Smile" said a pretty Asian girl as she walked up with a camera. "Sorry, needed a candid for the feature." She said.
"Feature's dead Angela. Don't bring it up again." Eric said before getting up.
"It's okay, I just" am trying to lie low? Don't like being in the spotlight? Am gonna blow this hic town as soon as I find out where my brother is? I tried to find the words.
"I got your back baby." Eric said.
"Guess I'll just run another editorial on teen drinking." Angela said, somewhat disappointed.
"You could always go for eating disorders. Speedo padding on the swim team." I said, trying to make a joke.
"Actually, that's a good one." Angela said.
"Kirk, right." Jessica said. At that point I tuned them out because every alarm in my body was going off. The vampires were here. Sure enough, walking into the cafeteria was a group of inhumanly beautiful people.
"Who're they?" I asked, my knees bouncing more then ever.
"The Cullens." Angela said.
"They're um, doctor and Mrs Cullen's foster kids. They moved down here from Alaska like, a few years ago." Jessica said.
"They kinda keep to themselves." Angela said
"Yea, cause they're all together. Like together together. The blonde girl, Rosalie, and the big dark haired guy Emmet, they're like a thing. I'm not even sure if that's legal." Jessica said.
"Jess, they're not actually related." Angela said
"Yea, but they live together. I don't know, it's weird." Jessica told her. "And the little dark haired girl's Alice. She's really weird. She's with Jasper, the blond one who looks like he's in pain. Um, doctor Cullen's like this foster dad/matchmaker."
"Maybe he'll adopt me." Angela said. I then spotted one who was walking alone. Maybe his mate looks too old for high school.
"Who's he?" I asked. The vampire in question was tall, with bronze hair and dark eyes. He must not have fed in a while. No doubt that the mortals didn't notice, they're so dumb.
"That's Edward Cullen. Totally gorgeous, obviously. But apparently nobody here is good enough for him." Jessica scoffed. "Like I care, y'know?" She said, but she obviously cared. "Seriously, don't waste your time." She told me.
"Wasn't planning on it." I told her. I then looked over at the Cullen table, memorizing the distance between.
"How much time left in lunch?" I asked.
"10 minutes" Jessica told me. I sighed. I was way too hyper to eat right now, and 10 minutes can feel like 10 hours sometimes. I started tapping random Morse code words on the table. I love you. I miss you. I need you. Where are you? Eventually even that got boring.
"Are you okay?" Jessica asked.
"Yea, why?"
"You're tapping on the table. Your knees are bouncing." Angela said.
"Sorry. ADHD." I told them. It was an immediate response by now. Still, I continued to grow bored. I began pulling rubber bands and pipe cleaners out of my pockets, staring off into space and my fingers worked on their own. When I looked down, I saw that I had made a helicopter.
"How did you do that?" A pretty blonde named Lauren asked.
"I'm a special girl." I told her, before launching the mini chopper. It made it all the way across the cafeteria before it crashed into the door.

Seriously, Mike is so annoying. I could've found my way to biology by myself, but he insisted on walking me.
"Mr Molina" he greeted the teacher as we walked in.
"Hey Mike." The teacher said. Mike then gestured to me.
"Oh yes. Miss Swan." He said, looking through his papers. In the meantime I was watching Edward, who looked like he was in a lot of pain right now.
"Here's everything you need. You can take that seat next to Mr. Cullen." Mr Molina said before pointing at Edward. Great. The vampire.
We spent the class in silence, me cursing in several languages when I couldn't read the assignment. I managed to finish, but by the time the bell rang, I was done with biology. As I was stuffing my binder into my bag, I felt a rush of cold air and looked up to see Edward rushing out of the classroom. I quickly followed and made my way to robotics, excited to be able to build something.

I didn't want robotics to end, but it did. I felt the Cullens glaring at me as I walked past them to my truck, which, thank Zeus, started. I sighed as I pulled into the driveway at Uncle Charlie's. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. School sucks.

Time Skip

The next few days passed by normally, except for one thing. Edward Cullen seems to have disappeared. As the only seemingly single vampire here, he could've been my way into the clan. Oh well. I'm the innovative type. I'll figure something out. I always do. Anyways, things have begun to get strange, by mortal terms. More and more animal attacks have been happening, but I suspect it's either rouge vampires, monsters working for Gaia, or rouge vampires working for Gaia. My money's on the latter.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2020 ⏰

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