15 - Oh damn pt 2.

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Dean POV,

"Stop being so nervous dude." Seth said as I kept pacing around.

"I can't, I don't know what to tell her. I can't exactly tell her the truth."

"Just tell her there are family problems you have to take care of."

"She'd still be pissed. She's going to think I'll miss her birthday."

"But that would make the surprise a bit more special."

"I know... I just can't stand hurting her." I sighed. The thought of her being hurt were enough to break my heart.

"She'll love it, trust me." Seth tried to assure me.

"I know, I just don't want to mess up. "

"You won't, you'll make her very happy but first you have to break her heart."

"You'll go with me?"

"Of course, we both know you need help with this."

"True, sad but true." I sighed. "It's just that going back home to Cincinnati... I never expected it to be for this reason."

"So, is that bad?"

"Of course not, I can't think of a better reason."


With a heavy heart I walked inside the gym where Nika was roughly punching a punching bag.

"Babe, can we talk?" I asked her once I walked over. She nodded and stopped punching the bag, turning to me after.

"I got a call from an aunt. I have to go to Cincinnati to do something." I didn't like lying to her but I couldn't tell her the truth either, it was clear she didn't like it anyway. I also knew it was impossible for her to leave as she had a big match coming up.

"But baby, It's my birthday tomorrow."

"I know, and I'm really sorry." I tried apologizing.

"Just go." Even though she was trying to hide her emotions at this point, I could see right through it, and it hurt me to see her like that.

"Baby... don't be like that."

"Don't be like what Dean? You're leaving me alone on my birthday."

"It's not like I want to..." I tried but she cut me off

"Please don't even start, I don't want to hear it." she sighed before resuming to punch the bag. Knowing I should give her some space at this point I turned around and walked away with my head hung low. I just hoped she could forgive me and that it would be worth it in the end.


Seth and I were on our way to Cincinnati, Ohio. Specifically, to my aunt, I didn't lie about that part. My sister had joined us on our trip, I mean she deserved to know about my plan.

I was pretty nervous since I hadn't seen my aunt in years. I was also worried about Nika so I decided to call Roman.

"Sup?" Roman asked.

"Hey dude, can you do something for me?" I asked.

"I guess yeah."

"Can you check up on Nika for me?"

"Sure why?"

"She thinks I'm not going to be with her on her birthday, don't tell her though but I'm planning something."

"Ouch, I guess she didn't take it too well?"

"Nope, thing is I'll be back in the morning but I don't want her to feel abandoned."

"Don't worry, I'll go."

"Really? Thanks dude."

"No problem but for your sake I hope she loves the surprise."

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