17 - Old friends

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4 years later.....

Ann-Kathrin and I walked out of the toy store. She was holding our bags while I was carrying Daemon, my 3 year old son. Surprisingly he looked like neither Jon or Joe, he looked like me.

However after I figured that out I also figured that it would simply be too late. 

I still watched Raw and Smackdown to keep an eye on everyone. At first everyone seemed out of it, even the fans.

I never really thought how it would affect my fans, I regretted that immediately. Jon did search for me the first year but after a while he stopped.

However as time passed by everything slowly became somewhat normal again. I guess everyone got used to the fact Monica Hardy was missing. So used to it that Jon supposedly had moved on. I couldn't blame him for it after four years but it still really hurt.

I wish I could go back in time. I would do it all different if I'd have the chance. I would have decided to remain calm and stay instead of panicking and leaving. Even though I knew Jon would have gotten mad I wish I stayed and told him the truth.

"Mommy, I'm hungry." Daemon snapped me out of my thoughts.

I chuckled softly, he did have the appetite I remembered the guys had. "Lets get you some food then."

We started walking towards the McDonalds to get Daemon a happy meal.

Soon enough we sat at a table, eating our McDonalds food.

"So." Ann-Kathrin started "Your birthday is coming up, what do you want to do?"

"Same as every year, nothing."

"Oh come on Ruby, just this one time lets do something fun."

"I'm just not in the mood for it, not on my birthday."

"Please, do it for Daemon then. You know he likes spending time with you."

"If I agree this time, will you stop bugging me about it?"

"Yes.." She relented. "Fine then, just this once."

"Great now excuse me, I need to go use the ladies room."

"You and your tiny bladder." I chuckled as she rolled her eyes in amusement before walking away.

Not even seconds after she left two familiar faces sat down in front of me.

"Oh shi..." I stopped myself from cursing in front of my son.

I immediately handed him my phone and headphones "Go watch some cartoons sweetie."

Daemon nodded and did as he was told before I looked back up at them.

"Damn right oh shit." Gail spoke up.

"You have some explaining to do Nika." Laura spoke up as well.

I sighed as I looked at my two best friends from TNA, Gail Kim and Laura Dennis a.k.a. Allie.

"What are you two doing here?"

"European tour with Impact, now stop beating around the bush." I hated it when Gail spoke this way at me, with authority.

I figured as there was no point in lying I best explain everything, so I did. Everything from meeting Dean to that night 4 years ago up until now.

"So that's what happened" I ended my story.

"So you disappeared and changed your name because you think you could have cheated, you aren't even sure?"

"Yeah, It sounds so stupid now. I'd take it all back if I could but I can't go back, they hate me now." 

Laura sighed "He would have forgiven you after some time if he honestly loved you as much as you think he did."

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