3. Taking Notes

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Do you ever feel like you get behind on studying because you don't have good notes to study from? I know that feeling. :P Here's some tips about how to take notes like a pro so you're super organised for your next test!

- Buy a notebook: Use a notebook or 5 Subject Binder when you are taking notes so you know where all your notes are! This is super important as having separate  pieces of paper or different files on your computer can get very stressful. I find writing down your notes makes it's a lot faster when a teacher is talking and also much easier to remember, rather than typing .  If you like having it stored on the computer/iPad, I find using a program like OneNote is amazing as it is easy to navigate, looks nice and so everything is together

- Pay attention: Write down notes during class that your teacher is talking about for a long time. Just small dotpoints can help when studying. I find that if a teacher writes soemthing on the board, it's smartest to copy it. (Half the time they tell you to anyway, and if you've already done it, you're ahead of everyone else! XD)

- Don't be a perfectionist: This is SUPER important! I am an extreme perfectionist and so this applies for me A LOT! Use abbreviations and don't worry if your handwriting is slightly messy! Overall, you'll be grateful you have those notes, messy or not.

- Colour Coding: Colour coding helps to highlight more important notes. You can also use it to highlight new topics so you dont have to make a whole new page! :)

-Sticky Notes: I love using sticky notes, because it looks pretty and colorful and makes it much easier to find different sections. You can use small tab ones for important ideas, and larger ones for each topic!

- Papers: If you're teacher loves giving out different papers and worksheets, buy a display folder or binder with a slot at the front.

-Cross out: Don't be afraid to cross out unimportant information. If you go over your notes and see information that you thought might be important but is not relevant, just get rid of it so you can study less!

- Constant Revision: Every night spend around 5 minutes revising each subject. Look over previous information as well as the information you learnt that day. This helps SO MUCH!

- Google Docs/ Drive: Google Docs is amazing. For years, my friends and I have shared notes by adding each other to a google doc labelled by the topic we're studying, such as, "Biology Revision" or "Ancient History Notes." We all put in all our information neatly to share. This is extremely helpful as your friend in different classes will have different notes and you get a good coverage of what the whole grade has learnt. You can also create questions and test with your friends.

Anyway, I really hope this helped! Comment any requests for tutorials that you want! :)


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