Chapter 1

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      I swing my legs over the bed and get up. So I have to convince Edd to take us to the Carnival. Sounds easy enough, I don't know why Tom just didn't just talk to Edd, but he's got a plan.

    I walk down the stairs and plop down on the couch. I hear Edd in the kitchen, perfect. I turn on the TV and mess around until... "Have you heard? The Carnival is it town!" A overly happy announcer cheers. Edd perks up. "The Carnival eh? Sounds fun." I hum.

    Is Edd squealing? I turn my head to witness Edd bouncing up and down like a six year old. "We're going to the Carnival, when is it open?" He says in a serious tone. "Opens at 10:30" The TV seemingly replies, did I do something to the TV?

   "TOM, MATT IT'S 8:59 WE'RE GOING TO THE CARNIVAL IN AN HOUR WETHER YOU LIKE OR NOT DAMNIT!" Edd yells loud enough for my ear drums to break. Welp, I'd better get ready.

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