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The same 3 people were asked a new question: What is your favorite thing about the person you love?

"How genuine she is," Min yoon-gi said confidently. "Or... Maybe the way she laughs... No... Actually the way she looks when she's tired and ready to sleep. She always complains about not looking good at those moments... But to me it's when she's the most beautiful." Yoon-gi smiles. "When we first met I never would've thought that I'd be in love with her. Long distance is always treated like taboo to people. Here we were though. Making a long distance friendship not only survive, but thrive." Yoon-gi adjusts his glasses and continues his story. "Ivy is pure, Ivy appreciates the little things, Ivy reads poetry and supports you and when she fangirls over people its the cutest thing with her little squeal she lets out." Yoon-gi smiled more with every perfection he pointed out. "My favorite thing about Ivy is that once you think you know everything there is to love about her. You find little more little things." The talented musician paused to think more on his words. "It's funny that there are literally billions of people in the world and most people assume that the one they'll fall in love with is 20 minutes away." Yoon-gi looks purely with his beautiful and sparkly brown eyes as he tells more about his everything. "Mine was in a whole other country. I didn't even know she existed. Can you even imagine not knowing that the person you're supposed to love exists?! It's amazing. Love is amazing. Love is weird and cruel and beautiful all at the same time. To love and to be loved. That's the best feeling ever. That's how I feel about Ivy every. Damn. Day."

"That one's hard," Ivy Koo-Dragseth says with a smile. "There's so many amazing things its hard to decide. His smile, his hugs, his touch." She smiles thinking of the man she loved. "When I'm with him I never feel unhappy or unwanted and I think that's important in any strong relationship." Ivy bites her lip ever so gently as she thinks for a moment. "There's never a definite single favorite thing about him and that's what I love about him most. One minute I'm in love with his talent. Another I'm in love with his silly faces he makes. Then a lot of minutes I'm in love with the serious faces he makes." she giggles. "He was there for me when a lot of people weren't. I remember one night I called him... and I told him I just wanted to cry and not do anything else. He told me 'Wait one second. I have a surprise for you.'" She laughs as she reminds herself of his sweetness with the story. "He showed up 15 minutes later with a bouquet of lilies and a tub of Rocky Road because he knew they were my favorite. He knew it made me happy, but even after the flowers were put down and the ice cream was put in the freezer he just hugged me tight until he was sure I was okay. I remember just smiling and feeling the warmth of his hugs. If there is anyone that ever made me feel loved 24/7 its him There wasn't any feeling I could think of that made me happier. Just knowing that someone cares and you mean something to that person... I think that's my favorite thing about him: he doesn't have to tell me for me to know he loves me.

Harry Styles was more straight forward with his answer. "What I love most about Ivy is her independent nature. Ivy sees something she wants and goes for it. She wants to reach a goal and she does. I remember she told me a story about when she was in high school, she fell behind in her science class but she didn't wanna retake the class so what does she do? In 10 days she takes 5 tests and finishes the last half of the class before the school year ends. Ivy always tells me about how stressful it was and how she hopes she never has to go through something like that again but I still admire the hell out of her for it. I can picture her sitting at her table making the same faces she always makes as she pours all her focus into her schoolwork. Ivy's future was always bright and I knew it from the moment I saw her. Her confidence in herself is her best quality and will always be my favorite thing about her.

Harry practiced his guitar as he sat alone in his apartment. He made sure to mute the strings to not disturb anyone in the rooms nearby while they slept. His finger's flew across the neck and he played each fret with precision and plucked the strings. Harry was always a fan of the smaller singers with hollow sounding music. He connected with them emotionally. As he played the tune of Dodie Clark's Sick of Losing Soulmates he consistently looped the rhythm in his head "D, E, D, E, E, D" he kept thinking. "Pre-chorus. Now D, E, D, E" he gently sang the chorus aloud. "Because I'm sick of losing soulmates... Can't be alone again... I can finally see you're as fucked up as me so how do we win?" Images flash through Harry's mind of past relationships. A girl he once thought he was in love with. A girl no one knew. Tears streamed from Harry's face as he moved to the second verse. His fingers trembled as he went from the fifth fret to the seventh and then to the second. More memories. Bad ones of screaming one sided fights, of pain that Harry wanted to get rid of but couldn't. She was long gone but her actions were left scarred into Harry's mind and body. His voice shaky and cracking he sang the final words. "Yeah I'm sick of losing soulmates... Can't be alone again... I can finally see you're as fucked up as me so how do we win..." He wiped his eyes gently. "No more tears..." he thought to himself. "It's over..." Harry Styles was a man in pain. Harry Styles was in many ways a broken heart.
Harry Styles was a man that fell in love with the wrong person.

"One more time! One more time!" Ivy exclaimed to Yoon-gi. The Korean rapper laughed and held her hands. "This is the 11th time Ivy, you still haven't gotten it?" Ivy stroked Yoon-gi's hand and got in position next to him. "I can do it I promise!" she said giggling. Yoon-gi sighed and ran a hand threw his now blue hair "Okay, let's do this!" he said. He played the intro to DNA and they tapped their feet in sync with the unnecessarily catchy whistle of the song. Ivy learned quickly and by the end she fell into Yoon-gi's arms and planted a kiss on his nose. "Thank youuuu!" she said looking up to him with her irresistable brown eyes. Yoon-gi just kissed her forehead and smiled. She pulled him with her to the front door and grabbed her bag. "I have to go to the store so I'll be back." she says. "Awh, I can't come?" Yoon-gi says with a pouty face. Ivy places a hand on his chest. "Yoon-gi you are so adorable... But you're still in your pajamas and your hair is literally everywhere! So no, you can't." She kissed him on the forehead. "I'll be right back I promise." she shut the door behind her. Yoon-gi looked in the mirror after she left "jeez she's right..." he thought to himself. He was wearing pajama pants with legs that were too long and dragged on the floor with a long sleeved loose blue shirt. "I need to clean myself up." he said to himself. He took of his clothes and hopped in the shower. Yoon-gi was someone that enjoyed long showers so he felt clean. He let the steaming water drip from his hair and down his face. After a nice shower he brushed his teeth, combed his hair, and wrapped a towel around his waist as he headed to the bedroom to find an outfit. A knock on the door changes his direction and he opens it assuming it was Ivy needing help with the bags. "Welcome ho-" his eyes widen. "Oh shit," he says as he stares face to face with a handsome british man that wore pink and had black painted nails.


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