Platonic Love - Part 3

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That night Yoongi tried to stay awake wondering if she would come to him again.  His eyelids got heavier and heavier until he finally dozed off.  He couldn't wrap his brain around the reason for her nocturnal visit. Suddenly he woke with a start when he felt a weight on his bed.  

He asked her without opening his eyes as she cuddled next to him, "Why are you here?"

"I can't sleep without you," she said groggily.

"Okay," he replied.

"Go to sleep Yoongi." 

This kept happening every night.  She would pretend to go to sleep in her room and then sneak into his room usually when he was already asleep.  She would put her arms around him and wouldn't let go till he woke her, then she would quickly leave.  

This morning he didn't let her escape that easily.  

"Jinny, wake up."  

She opened her eyes slowly and smiled at him.  Her little sleepy face looked so cute he wanted to kiss her but instead, he held her arm not letting her escape.  

"Tell me why you do this. Why can't you sleep on your own?"

"It's nothing really.  I just haven't slept alone since I was a child.  I always slept with my mom.  When I try to sleep alone I have nightmares.  Please, Yoongi let me stay with you," she pleaded. "I don't want to be a burden to my mom and her new husband."

"Okay, I understand.  I sleep better with you here also," he soothed and gave her a kiss on her cheek.

  I sleep better with you here also," he soothed and gave her a kiss on her cheek

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He was so sweet to her. She couldn't ask for a better brother. "I love you Yoongi!  You're the best brother I've ever had!"

He laughed, "I'm the only brother you've ever had!"

That night she came to his room earlier before he had a chance to fall asleep.  "Hi," she whispered a little awkwardly.

"Hi, not sneaking in tonight?"

"No, I hope you don't mind," Jinny said.

"It's fine. I prefer it.  You scare me sometimes."

"Sorry."  She apologized with a sheepish smile.

They both laid on the bed looking at their phones in the dark. 

"Does your mom know?" He asked.

"No.  She thinks I'm better cause you're here and our dad.  I told her I feel safer with you here."

"Oh. Why don't we try to figure out why you have nightmares?  Can you tell me about it?"

"I don't want to talk about it.  Please, Yoongi, don't ask me."

"I won't I'm sorry. I just wish I could help."

"You do.  Trust me. I need you."

It made him so happy to be needed. "I need you too." He replied and noticed she was on her phone.

"Who are you texting?" 

"My boyfriend, Tae."

"What? You have a boyfriend!" He asked surprised.

She looked up at him a little guilty.  "We've been having so much fun I forgot to tell you about him. He's really cool."

"How come I've never seen  him?"

"He moved away recently for his job but he's coming to visit me this weekend."

Yoongi didn't understand why this made him so upset.  He felt betrayed like a rug had been pulled from under his feet. Why did she withhold this information?

Jinny noticed the change in his mood. "Yoongi, don't be angry at me, please.  I realize I should have told you. I'm sorry."

Things weren't the same.  They did the same things but it didn't feel the same.  Every look, every innocent brush against his skin was electrifying.  Yoongi felt his heart beat faster every time she was near and thinking of her cuddling with him every night made him so happy.  Maybe it wasn't so brotherly platonic for him after all.  Yoongi wondered if he was falling in love with her.  

'I guess I'll know when I see her with her boyfriend,' he thought.

'I guess I'll know when I see her with her boyfriend,' he thought

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