The Surprise -Part 4

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Yoongi couldn't stop thinking about her revelation of the previous night.  It was a most unwelcome surprise.  Even with her sweet scent so near and her arms around him, he could not sleep.  He watched her slumber in the dim light coming from the cute Totoro night light she had given him.  He chewed his bottom lip with anxiety wondering what this guy was like.  If Jinny knew how hard this was for him, what would she think?

When they got home from school, he finally mustered the courage to ask her about this boy.  They sat on the stone steps of the small back porch sipping ice tea and looking out at the yard.  The bees hum as they jump from flower to flower searching for the best nectar. For him, it was their special time when they sat alone waiting for the sun to set.  Yoongi had never really noticed the sunsets back where he lived, but ever since his first day here, he had become very fond of them.  He didn't want to spoil it, but he was curious to know how this person had won her heart.  He wanted her heart.  He wanted to be the only one that brought those feelings out in her, but he was too late. Those feelings were already given to another.

"I met him in school," she started. "He just came up to me out of the blue one day.  Although I didn't have any class with him, he asked me to the school dance. He never seemed to notice me before so I was surprised when the most handsome popular guy in school was asking me out."  She smiled shyly looking down at the floor as if searching for the fond memory. "I couldn't believe my luck. After the dance, we got closer. He started walking me to class and holding hands until he asked me to be his girlfriend and I agreed."

In the rosy light, Yoongi searched her pretty face as he spoke, "That doesn't sound like you fell in love. You didn't mention things you like about him either." 

"Oh Yoongi, I can't say these things to you!"

"Why?" Yoongi looks at her puzzled. 'Does she know how I feel?'

"Cause it's embarrassing."

"Love isn't embarrassing Jinny."

With a soft smile and pink cheeks, she answers him. "It was the shy way he asked me that won me over. If he had been overconfident, it wouldn't have been the same. He's a really sweet and kind person. He makes me smile and laugh a lot. He says he loves me all the time and texts me every day."

Yoongi didn't like to hear that she loved another but he was curious. He really wanted to ask her how she felt about himself but he didn't want to hear that she thought of him as her brother so he didn't ask.  

The screen door crept open and Jinny's mom came out with something in her hands. "Look honey you got a package from Tae."

"Oh my! That's so sweet. Let me see, let me see!"

Yoongi looks over her shoulder as she opens the package.

"It's the Totoro bag I said was cute!  He's so thoughtful."

"When is he coming? Is it this weekend?" Her mom asks.

"Yes, mom," Jinny said.

"I guess he can stay with Yoongi. If you don't mind." She said looking at Yoongi.

"He'll be staying here! Where does he live?" He asked

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"He'll be staying here! Where does he live?" He asked.

"Yes, he is coming to visit his family. He lives in Seoul now. He is a trainee for a company as a singer."

"Oh, that's cool. I don't mind sharing my room.  I can't wait to meet him." 

"Thank you, Yoongi.  Well, now that that's settled let me finish up with dinner."

It was getting dark now that the sun had set and the smell of their dinner was enticing them to go back inside.  They both got up at the same time and he followed her inside.  Jinny went to get the dishes and he helped put the food on the table.  

Jinny looked at his worried face and wondered what was bothering him.  "Are you okay?" She asked.  

"I'm just wondering if we'll get along.  I don't want to be a third wheel."

"Yoongi!  How could you think that when we have gotten so close?  The three of us will have fun together. I'm not leaving you behind."

"I'm sorry." Yoongi wanted it to be true but he didn't feel it was going to be so fun for him to share his best friend.

That night they sat on the sofa watching a movie together.  Suddenly, Yoongi hugged her close to him.  Jinny saw his eyes filling with tears and she frowned.  "Aww, the movie made you so sad." She said as she hugged him tighter and kissed the tears away.  "You're so cute when you cry but I don't like to see you so sad."  

Yoongi nodded unable to trust his voice. 

She said, "I love you Yoongi!" But this only made him cry more because it wasn't enough.  Somehow his heart hurt even more.

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