4. This house is a circus berserk as fuck

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We walked back to the theater because they had to rehears immediately for tomorrow’s show. It was the last gig before the festivals started and everything had to be prepared, since they wanted to do something special.

They didn’t ask me any questions like ‘who the fuck are you?’, they just accepted the fact I was hanging with them. The only questions they asked were varying from ‘Do you smoke?’ (no) to ‘What is your favorite colour?’ (blue).

“Why blue?” Nick asked while we went backstage.

Alex immediately opened a few beers and gave us one each.

I answered:” It’s the typical cliché really, ‘cause it’s the color of the ocean. I just like being at the seaside.”

Matt interrupted me:” Cheers to that!”

We all raised our bottles and mumbled ‘cheers’.

After that they were kidnapped by their band manager who introduced himself as Brian, he was no Brian. He was a Bob. While they were accompanied to the stage I took a seat on the ground. I sat in the middle of the theater. They started playing ‘Do I Wanna Know’, the lights went dark. Thank God. Finally some rest.

I lay back on the hard ground, eyes closed and whispered along the lyrics.

“Wake up Eve!”                                                                                              

Next thing I knew a splash of cold water hit my face. I screamed:“ What the fuck?!” , while jumping on my feet and looking at the four laughing guys in front of me

Jamie was holding an empty bucket, with a little of regret on his face.

Alex and Matt were softly giggling and then you had Jesus saying:” Christ! Eve You should have seen your face!”

I was soaking wet. I folded my hands in front of me. Still angry I said:” Why did…”

But I couldn’t finish my sentence because Alex interrupted me:” How could you sleep during us practicing?”

“Oh shu’ up will ya? I just took a little nap, I’m awake now so drop it, I heard everything.”

He raised his eyebrows:” Oh, really, what was the last song we played?”

I stared into his eyes, Christ, how gorgeous were they? He smirked:” You were sleeping, admit it.”

“Yeah right”, I said as I walked past them,” I sang the line ‘This house is a circus, berserk as fuck’.

They smiled and Jamie said:” Sorry, for the wake up call.”

“You’re buying me a drink tonight”, I stated pointing at him. My left arm slipped through Matt’s right arm.

Jamie came running to us and put his arm through my other arm. He smiled at me:” If that’s the only thing, sure love.”

We walked out, ordered a cab and went to their hotel.

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