An Amazing, Unexpected, Opportunity~~OneD fanfic

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Hey there! I’m Lyndsey and from AUSTRALIA if I have anything wrong please keep reading! There's more info at the bottom :D ENJOY J


“bye mummy, I love you,” I sob out as myself, Zenda and Amy board the flight to London.

“I love you too sweetie, be good,” I gave her and dad another quick hug before walking on. Okay quick explanation, Amy and Zenda are two of my best friends and we are moving to London, from Brisbane Australia, to finish school, we are currently in grade 10 and will be attending London Academy for the Arts ( I think that’s what it’s called :/ )  to help pursue our dream of becoming singers.

As we take our seats Amy breaks down again and we get funny looks from other passengers, “it’s going to be okay sweetie, come on cry it out, you’ll feel better,” Zenda was sitting next to her so she comforted her.

“thank you for boarding flight 2570 to London!...” all I got from her whole speech was to put my seat belt on. With it clipped into place I sat Lily, my pillow pet, on my lap but soon ended up hugging her for dear life. Soon after we were flying the seat belt light went off and I unclipped it. After a quick conversation on what time it is in London I decided to sleep, wanting to get on London time. Amy stared out the window not really looking at anything and Zenda was silently crying, we had just left our entire life behind, it’s hard for three fifteen-year-olds to process. I curl around Zenda giving her a hug while getting comfy to sleep. Soon I was drifting off with the rhythmic feeling of Zenda's tears falling on my head.

“honey, wake up! I need to pee! Move!” I could hear Zenda in the back ground to my dream, then I realised that she was calling me and grudgingly woke.

“whaa do woo want?” my words slurred together, wow how long had I been out?!

  “move now before I piss my freakin pants,” agh!!

“okay, okay! I’m getting up! What’s the time?” she didn’t answer instead sped off down the aisle towards the toilet. I sat up properly and stretched, hmm, nup not refreshed yet, need more sleep. I look over to see Amy has her face stuck to the window and she was dead asleep. Slowly I peeled her face off the window, man it was stuck on there! And put a pillow between her face and the window, she didn’t even seem to notice the change or the red mark on her face from where it was stuck. When I had just settled into my seat Zenda came back making me stand up to get through, “So what’s the time?”

“dunno,” -_-

“what do you mean, dunno?”

“well right now we’re in by the looks of it whoop whoop so when I say dunno I mean I have no clue, helpful?”


“that’s cool,” she turned away and got comfy on Amy. Just as she was about to close her eyes I poked her,”

“eff off,”

“can you ask the stewardess what the time is?”

“no, eff off,”

“fine! Be that way! But just so you know I will not take this lightly! My feelings are cut deep!” I exaggerated a sigh and put my hand over my heart.

“cool, now eff off,” I flipped her off and pressed the help button.

“hello! How may I help you?” her cheeriness was annoying.

“what time is it in London?” she looks at her watch and thought hard for like thirty seconds.

“two in the morning! Is there anything else I can help you with?”

An Amazing, Unexpected, Opportunity~~OneD fanficWhere stories live. Discover now