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holy moly, so far NO READS WOO IM SO POPULAAAR okay, alittle high, on weed LOL JOKES GIUUUZ ON BANANAS AND CUSTURD OMG IT IS ORGASMIC, TRY IT. i need a dollor dollar, WAIT thats not it, wow, that literally happened in my head and i just started writing it down cause is sounded cool. SO i need a cover cover cooooover so if any one wants to be amazing and make me one i would be FOREVER IN YOUR DEPT. Ahaha I'm so lame, so the first two chapters are sorta skipping through the important stuff you need to know then in the third it will have One Direction in it! BE EXCITED GIUUUZ BE VERY EXCITED!  Okay, need to come down off my sugar rush, my hands flew to bring this to you and I hope you like, if I have anything wrong please remember that I still can’t get on the computer! GRRR well other than to upload this, KAY I'M GOING BYEEEEEE

*three years later*

“Lyndsey get the fuck up right now or I swear to god I will never let you watch x factor again, i mean One direction didnt even win!” Zenda hit me with yet ANOTHER pillow but I stayed where I was, safe under my doona (comforter) not planning on going to school, well attending classes, I already live at school so it doesn’t count. The door flew and Amy came in, ohhh shit, I crawled further under my doona but as soon as I moved it flew off me and the cold English air hit me.

“Lyndsey, firstly, get some pants on and secondly you need to get ready, now, Dr Forman wants to see us in ten minutes,” what the hell did I do now?! Dr Forman is your headmistress and has a major disliking to me. I crawled out of bed and grabbed my uniform, ugh it was so tacky, and pulled it on, Amy is continually telling me to put pants on, BUT I LIKE WALKING AROUND WITH THEM NOT ON, I was like Harry Styles, you know? The flirty one from One Direction. I like being HALF naked, no I do not walk around flashing the city but pants and shirts are uncomfortable sometimes! Grumbling about how much I hated Monday mornings I walk down the hall to the bathrooms. After visiting the loo I station myself at one of the mirrors and think of how lucky I am that my hair always looks good, it’s long enough to reach the small of my back and it took FOREVER to get it there like five years -_- and medium to dark brown its thick but never frizzy and has a slight curl at the end. My face on the other hand was freak show. I have uneven skin tone so I'm anned in some spots and white in others, I also have dark circles that no matter how much I sleep NEVER disappear. After applying foundation to get rid of my morning look I put on mascara to make my light brown with dark brown flecks pop and rub on some pawpaw ointment (BEST SHIT OUT GUYS) onto my slightly cracked lips.

“Lyndsey! Hurry up! We’re leaving now! See you when you get out of detention!” AGH, shut up Amy. Not fair. I run back to our room and slide to a stop at the open door. Chucking my makeup bag on my bed I shove my feet into my ugly black school shoes and sprint to catch up.

“You know there is something called waiting guys,” I puffed out once catching up with them.

“You know there is a thing called we waited but you took too long,” Zenda replied.

“Aww I feel so touched,”

“You should, we love you so much that we waited!” Amy joined in our sarcastic conversation.

“Yeah! We’re such good friend to do that,”

“I know guys, I'm feeling it right, here!” I grunted at the end hitting them both in the arm and sprinting away knowing their retaliation is going to hurt so much more.

“YOUR SO DEAD!” so glad that even though I'm not the strongest in the band I'm the fastest, that’s right! I said band! We officially became one a year ago and put an album out two month ago thanks to the schools recording studio.

Reaching the headmistresses office with a huff, I had a few seconds to regain my composure before the other two catch up both hitting me simultaneously twice as hard on either arm. I let out a moan of pain rubbing my arms before we knocked, “come in girls,” how so knows is beyond me but I think it’s part of her being a witch. We walk in and take the seats she offers graciously, it’s a long run from dorms to here.

An Amazing, Unexpected, Opportunity~~OneD fanficWhere stories live. Discover now