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Chapter 3

*8 months later*

The last eight months have been the most fast paced, amazing months of my life. After that meeting everyone seemed to know us. I guess the term overnight success was needed to tell that tale. We were shoved in head first into a life that none of us were prepared for. There was ups and downs, a lot of fighting but also a lot of happy memories. We went on a tour around Europe during the holidays and that was amazing. We visited places that we never thought we would see. Even though we didn’t get to meet One Direction, IT SUCKS I KNOW, we have been having a crazy fun time. Right now we’re on a rare break over the weekend and are chilling with Trent and Luke in the lounge. Quick download: after about two months of flirting back and forth we finally got Trent and Zenda to go on a date and after three dates they FINALLY got together. They’re still together. I know AMAZING. Amy is still long distancing her, get this, British boyfriend that living back in Australia. They somehow make it work I mean almost FOUR YEARS? Yeah don’t ask me. Me? Single for most of the time. I mean I like to play with boys more than date them, to possessive and jealous for me! And from the tabloids I'm apparently the Harry Styles of the group. FINE BY ME, HE’S HOT.

“Lyndsey? LYNDSEY!” Zenda was yelling at me, pulling me out of my trace.

“Huh, what?”

 “Your phones ringing daydreamer,” Amy informed me. Such lovely friends.

“I DO NOT DAYDREAM,” I yelled at them.

“YES YOU DO” Zenda and I stood up. SHITS GETTING REAL.

“You gonna answer it?” Luke interrupted our staring/giggling at crazy faces contest.

“Shut up Luke I'm busy! I DON’T DAY DREAM,”

“JUST PICK THE DAMN THING UP!” there was a silence and my ringtone rang out. Within seconds we were laughing our arses off. BARBIE GIRL IS FUNNY OKAY?

I answer, “Hello, this is Barbie and I'm busy with ken right now so please leave your wonderful message after the tone! BEEP,” everyone giggle behind their hands and I tried so hard not to laugh. Slowly failing.

“Umm, hi is this Lyndsey’s phone?” HOLY MOTHER OF MY OVERIES. I KNOW THAT VOICE, “Well this is the number that Sammie gave us so I hope it’s the right number,” I had literally frozen this was not happening.

“Who is it?!” Amy grabbed my phone and put it to her ear, “hello? Who is this?” I hear the muffled response then Amy’s scream, “AHHHHHHH,” then she fainted. When her head hit the beanbag behind her I snapped out of my daze.

Picking up the phone I asked, “Please tell me that this isn’t One Direction just some kids pranking us,”

“Sorry love!” Harry responded, Zenda was hyperventilating and I put them on loud speaker.

“Okay, just let me wake up Amy, then we can figure out why one direction is calling us,” as you can tell we’re fans. Zenda and I look at each other grinning evilly; we know the perfect way to wake her up. Pay back for yesterday. Crawling over to her I slap her cheek and Zenda sits on her stomach. Yeah, Amy has lovely ways of waking us up.

“THE FUCK?!” Amy sat up, the words flying from her mouth. We scramble behind Luke and Trent fearing our lives.

“WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?” Louis voice came through the phone frantically.

“Lyndsey slapped me and Zenda sat on me!”


An Amazing, Unexpected, Opportunity~~OneD fanficWhere stories live. Discover now