Part 3-chapter 2

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The fight didn't last long when we both took wolf form. He was pinned in a matter of seconds with my teeth around his neck. He bellied up and I watch in awe as my wolf let go and stood proud. I knew she was strong but I didn't know she was battle strong like this. I knew she didn't want to come out when I was too young, now I know why. She turned us around and walked back to where we first shifted and let me gain control again. I shifted back and quickly got dressed. When I looked back over to Enoch he was walking away. He had already pulled some pants on though I have a feeling he didn't want to do so. I looked at his back and trailed my eyes up and down it looking at all of the scars. How did he get all of those?

'It doesn't matter where he got them, you need to focus. Tell him that he must repent.'

"Hey Enoch-Cain. I won, I deserve a respectful bow at the least." His head turned just enough to see me out of the corner of my eye.

"You think a single fight and a half-hearted request will make me want to come to you, to ask for forgiveness? You can stay here, but don't expect my loyalty." Before I could say anything else he turned his head back and kept walking. The other wolves looked between us. The one they called mouse-the one who brought me here-came to my side.

"Loyal once, loyal again; yet fear and pain controls. Loyal is we, loyal is thou. Princess, Queen, lady of the lea." More came to follow after mouse. Many saw that I could win in a fight against the strongest of them all and yet until they all commit their loyalty to myself and my mate will they all be free. What is with men and their pride?

"Don't take it the wrong way, Cain is hard. He is more wolf then man, just like I am but he still remembers what his pack did to him before he left. He doesn't trust. That being said, we respect you, but trust isn't something given freely."

"If I have to gain your trust, then so be it. I know what it is to be an outcast, to be a rogue wolf. My family was forced to be rogues when I was young. I know how hard trust is to earn, I also know how easy it is to break it."

"Trust you we must, Loyal must be, dogs no more, when black turns white. Tip to tip. Ear, snout and toes. Eyes too. Mind a map, a puzzle, a game. Play it we must, from tip to tip." Mouse continued, repeating it over and over again.

"Silence is all I want. One less wolf won't make a difference will it?"

"Enis you know it will. Now night comes too soon. Sleep we must. My Queen, will you trust me tonight to guard you?" I looked at the one who liked Mouse.

"If you tell me your name," I coaxed.

"Call me Tye." I smiled.

"Then Tye, I will trust you enough." His eyes shifted colors momentarily. For a minute I thought he might have given over to his human side, but I think that was just wishful thinking.

"It's been a while sense anyone has really trusted me outside of these wolves." I smiled faintly as I felt the exaustion consume me. I swayed a little and another wolf grabbed my arms. I shook my head slightly, hoping to clear it.

'This is what happens, I am sorry I had to put you though this," My wolf apologized.

"Too young to shift into the alpha of alpha wolves I see, that is why most of us lost our sanity. Or I should say most of our human sides lost our sanity." Both of us looked over to Mouse.

"When did he shift?" I looked at the wolf that was holding me still. He was scrawny but don't let that fool you, most of these wolves were stronger then the strongest wolves in our pack.

"No one knows, but he came to us at a young age, already changed. He looked horrible. I wish I had been there when he changed. He's not much older then you though," He explained as he let go of my arms now that I was steady.

"Is that what happens when a true alpha wolf emerges too soon?"

"Well, we are not true alpha's but we are from the same bloodlines as your wolf. To answer your question, no. Your wolf knows her limits and because she is capable of being both a regular wolf and a true alpha wolf then she will give you the chance to change into the regular wolf before she will take over." We sat down as I picked up a piece of wood and picked at the bark and splinters of wood produding from it.

"You sure do know a lot about Pure blood wolves." He chuckled.

"I should, my family was very close with your wolf and her mate." For just a moment I forgot that this man sitting next to me looking off into the distance not able to make eye contact with me, was in fact a wolf from generations long gone.

"Will you all go hunting tomorrow?" I asked looking into the distance as well.

"Not all of us, but some of us. Why do you ask my queen?" I really wish they would stop calling me that, but I have already tried to make them stop and it was to no avail.

"I was hoping I could go with Enoch-Cain and hunt with him. Let him know I can be trusted." He chuckled.

"It's going to take more then just a hunting party to do that, but he is due to hunt with the group tomorrow. Maybe we can talk him into letting you come along." I smiled in victory. Little victories are all I need. With a yawn I lob the stick away from the group of wolves and rest back on the tattered blanket they gave. Better then leaves and sticks in my book so no complaining from this young wolf.

"May the moon watch you as you sleep." was the last thing I heard before drifting off into darkness.


Like I promised the next chapter. Though this one will be split into two sections as well, because we are going to hear from...



What's his story? How did his pack treat him? Why all the scars? These will all be revealed...but not all in the next chapter. What fun would that be? 

I know you all lovate me (that's love and hate mixed together) 

Again, like always

Thanks for reading and remember

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