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**finn's pov**

The sound of a car engine approaches towards my driveway, as I move the dark red curtain covering the window inside of my living room out of my way, peering out to see Millie's green beetle parked right where it usually is.

What's going to be her explanation?

I'm struggling to think of a logical one, for what she's been doing to me, to be honest with you here.

It's not fair, what she did.

A few seconds later, three knocks appear against the front door, as I quickly examine my face in the mirror on the wall, the skin around my eyes puffy, the white part of my eyes red and bloodshot.

Terrific, now she's gonna know that I've been crying.

I open the door, tear stains on Millie's cheeks, her hair perfectly styled into her natural curls, a purple long sleeved sweatshirt and black leggings followed by her black combat boots dressing her, as she looked at me with a drained expression.

She's so effortlessly beautiful.

As much as I'm mad at her right now, and hurt because she's been messing with my head, all I wanna do is just hold her and spend time with her right now.

"Come in." I tell her briefly, still so confused about the events that have unfolded all within the hour, the cold front from outside slowly but surely making its way to my skin, as she quickly enters inside my house, before I close the door behind her to prevent further weather change.

"So...what's been going on with you? I'd really like to know why, Millie. Why you've been doing this." I start, still sounding unintentionally bitter, staring into her big brown eyes, as she looks down at the ground sadly, regret flooding through me for saying it meanly, both us stood right in front of the arm of my leather couch.

"Fine...I will. Finn, Alana showed me a video of you guys kissing, the day before yesterday, at school. She said that it was from the night after the party. She told me to leave you alone, to not speak to you because you two were involved." Millie informs me, a serious tone in her voice, beginning to make her pleas, crossing her arms, as my eyes almost popped out of my head, shock overwhelming me to the point where my mouth dropped.

No, fucking, way.

I hate this word, a lot, but, what a fucking bitch.

I can't believe she was willing to go so far.

She secretly recorded us, from like two weeks ago?

That's unbelievably creepy and wrong.

"Mill-" I begin to try and explain that it wasn't true, about Alana and I being involved, not anymore, before she holds up her hand, signaling for me to stop talking.

"Let me finish explaining, please. There's m-more." She requests quietly, her tone of voice evolving to the point where she sounded like she was about to start to cry, sniffling, her eyes locked on the ground, as I patiently waited for her to continue.

I hate seeing her sad.

She always acts so well put-together and tough, so this is a little weird.

  "If you want the truth, Finn, I've grown to really like you, ever since you've been so nice to me lately. Hell, I still do really like you. So, when she showed me that video of you two, I believed it. I believed that you were messing around with her, because why wouldn't I? No offense, but you do have that reputation. But once I got to really know you, I knew that what you were labeled as, wasn't exactly who you truly were. I-I didn't want to believe it, that you and her had something going on, because of how genuine you've become...and I-I got jealous, I got mad, and I wanted to get back at you. Look, I know that we're not dating, there's no strings attached, and you'll probably never want to date me, because let's face it, dating kinda isn't your thing. I just wanted to convince you that I really liked you, which was and still is true, and then I was going to cut you off. That's why I did it, Finn. I wanted you to feel what I felt. But then it all came back to bite me, because it was real when we kissed, Finn. It was real when we had all of those conversations over the phone, when we talked about our favorite things, when you asked me to go to the concert with you...I don't want to lose all of that, with you. You have to understand that. You have t-" I cut off her emotional explanation, so shocked at her words, tears streaming down her face, by smashing my lips against hers, unable to control myself.

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