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a/n: what's upppp, babes??? so, this book is unfortunately coming close to an end, as much as I love writing it. so that leads me to a question. If I made a separate fillie book, once this one's finished, would y'all read it?? let me know, please!

hope you enjoy the chap, I love you.

  **finn's pov** ('The Night We Met - Lord Huron' is the song recommendation for this chapter.)

   "Finn!" My mom sobs once she saw me slowly exit out of the interrogation room, due to the weakness in both legs, immediately standing up out of her chair she'd been sitting in, probably more worried than ever for being forced to wait, tears in both of our eyes, as my older brother and father just silently sat in the seats on either side of her.

    We run towards each other in a large hug, as I just started to cry again, even after finally regaining my repeating waves of sadness, once I'd explained the whole story to Sergeant Powell.

   That was difficult to do.

  "Mom..." I blubber like a baby, wrapping my arms around her lower waist, needing a loving moment, after everything that's happened.

   I wasn't sure if I'd ever be able to hold my mom, again.

  "Oh, sweetie...I'm so glad you're okay." She speaks emotionally, hysterically crying, as we stood in the middle of the lobby, right in front of the desk in which you sign in at, and all that jazz.

  "Millie's hurt." I express with so much sorrow, yet incredibly angry at the world, informing her, as I tightly hugged her small frame.

  "I know, baby." She cries sadly, as I just let it all out, sobbing into her shoulder, tears surely soaking her black Columbia jacket.

   The sound of slow footsteps approach my mom and I's emotional embrace, as Nick engaged himself into the hug, one arm around me, and one around her.

    He was crying, too.

  And Nick never cries.

  "I love you, Finn." He states, the octave in his voice higher than usual, as I just cried harder.

     The last time my brother and myself even said those three words, was a few years ago, when we only said it because it was necessary in that moment.

    Him and I started arguing while we were playing Monopoly in the living room of our house, and when our parents came in, overhearing the bantering, we said it to each other, to prevent from getting in trouble.

  And even that time, it wasn't taken seriously.

   "I love you too, Nick." I reply through each cry, as my father finally stood up, walking over to our tight formation.

     We all just stood there, everyone involved in the small circle crying softly, except for me, as I literally bawled, Millie's well-being unknown, really taking it's toll on my emotions.

   The longer I'm uninformed, the more it's starting to eat me alive.

  What if she doesn't make it?

     "Can we go to the hospital? I need to see her." I beg desperately, a little relieved that the entire questioning process regarding the crime was over, at least for now, because I'm finally permitted to be able to leave this place.

   Is she in surgery, already?

  Is she alive?

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