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a/n: this chapter is basically, but not entirely pure fluff, so here ya ger ❤️

   **millie's pov**

    "Finn...I'm just so stressed out with my parents." I admit, recalling the traumatic events that took place just several minutes before, already getting emotional again once I'd finally calmed down after explaining everything that happened at my house, wrapped in a simple black fleece blanket Finn had gotten for me, as we sat on his bed, his arm around my shoulder, rubbing his hand up and down my arm, concern plastered all over his face.

"I-I just feel like such a disappointment to them, sometimes. The things my mum says to me...it honestly just makes me feel like a piece of shit. It seems like nothing I do, is ever good enough for her approval. And it sucks." I vent emotionally, only because he persisted on wanting me to tell him why I was so upset, as he looked at me sympathetically, signaling for me to continue, not pausing his consoling hand.

"My mum called me immature, and pretty much just kept listing off things that she thinks is wrong with me. I-I almost can't even explain what she does, and how I feel because of what she does. I've never really been honest with her about the way she makes me feel sometimes, because she's just so naive and stubborn about admitting anything she ever does wrong. I don't know...sorry, I don't mean to keep talking about it, I'm just really upset." I admit, wearing my heart on my sleeve, basically pouring out all of my feelings onto a platter, tears finally slipping over the edge of my lower eyelids, seeping onto my cheeks.

Finn has been absolutely nothing but caring and supporting, ever since we've gotten so close.

I just feel like I can talk to him, about anything in the world, and that's a very reassuring feeling, a feeling I've never had so strongly with someone before.

"Millie...you have no reason to be sorry, right now. Don't ever feel bad for just talking about how you feel, to me. I'm always here for you, no matter what. I want you to tell me when you're sad or happy about something, and I wanna hear all about it, no matter how much it may not seem to make sense, or how long it may take to explain it all, seriously. You can talk to me. But, I'm so sorry that you feel like this...it breaks my heart. If I could change how things are, I would for you, in a second. You just need to talk to your mom, or this will never get resolved. Or talk to your dad even, if he's more calm than your mom is like you said." Finn says whole-heartedly, causing staring into my watery eyes, talking to me gently as if he spoke too loud, I'd break into a thousand pieces.

God damn, am I in love with Finn Wolfhard.

I didn't even know that I was capable of feeling like this, about someone.

"Finn...I don't think you realize how much it means, to know that you care so much about me. I-I'm just...grateful for you. No one has ever said something that sweet to me before...I almost don't even know what to say." I admit, crying softly, referring to how heart-warming his little speech was, as he smiles at me, the most genuine I've ever seen it before.

"You don't have to say anything at all, Mills. You just need to know that. I don't care what time it is, or where you are, or where I'm at. I'm here for you." He says seriously, the tone in his voice supple, his brown eyes putting me at such ease, all of that tension and stress I'd felt from earlier just disappearing the longer I heard him talk, as I lightly smile at him.

"Same for you, Finn. I'm here for you, always, no matter what. You just need to know that, too." I unintentionally copy what he'd said to me, as he smiles widely, revealing his beautiful set of teeth, butterflies appearing out of nowhere.

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