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   Read or you won't get what the bloody hell the stories talking about !!!😋
   Once there was a huge ball for all light court and dark court to join. 
Every dark and light angel went to have a good time and not be judged for what they are.  As the night grew old one dark angel caught the eye of the most beautiful light angel. 
As they got to know eachother on that one faithful night they fell in love.  This was forbidden to happened for it was against the law to have any relationship with the different race.  The young couple knew this but, still didn't want to give up their love so that night they took things to a different level (I shouldn't have to explain the baby making process to you 😉). Eventually the ball ended and the young couple had to say farewell.  They would never be able to see each other again.  As the months went by the angel found she was with child for a complete abomination to her court. With that the women left to raise the baby on her own never to see her ture love again . Or so she thought!!

I know this wasn't long but I just really wanted to get to the point so you can have an idea to work with . I tried not to give to much away so I can make this more of a surprise.  With that said if you need and father information about the book you are welcome to text me privately or leave a message one the page .😚

Little kitty out ✌

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