I'm a what!?

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Airada's p.o.v

   As every lovely morning I woke up to my dear sweet mother shouting at me from down stairs. 
  "AIRADA GET UP WE HAVE NO TIME TO BE MESSING AROUND TODAY WE HAVE MORE IMPORTANT THINGS TO DO  THEN SLEEP! " She yells from the kitchen.  Man the women has so pipes on her!!
  "Okay I'm up don't get you wings in a twist" I said getting out of bed (see what I did there with the wings pun lol..... No okay I'll stop) and walking into the bathroom. 
  I did my morning routine which consists of showering, brushing my teeth and hair,  and getting dressed in my yoga pants and spots bra. 
  As I walked into the kitchen the smell of pancakes and beacon hit me like a slap across the face. 
  "Ohhh that smells so good!! "I said sitting down at the small wooden table the could only fit two people.
   "So darrling where did you go to last night?! " my mother asked while she placed my food infrount of me. 
   How did she know!!! I screamed in my head
  "Uhhh out... "Was all I said then started eating
  "Airada you can't keep sneaking out like you do it's to dangerous for you! " I knew she was going to say that!
  "You expect me to stay in this stupid house all my life mama! I'm not a child anymore in almost eighteen years old your gonna have to let go one day! "I knew how this was going to go down we have been having this same argument for the last two years.  My mother said it was to dangerous for me to  be out in the open . I can't see how I'm smack dab in the middle of nowhere!!  All my life I've been told I'm diffrent that's why it's safer for me to stay out of sight from anyone. 
  "I know your about to be eighteen but trust me there is so much you don't know yet.  So much that I still have to tell you darling and when it comes the time for you to know I'll tell you but please until then stay inside where it's safe!? " She said looking down at me like I was five.  I hated when she did this to me.  I felt that I was five when she did this.  My mother was about 5'7 with a very lovely shape to her unlike me my mother was graceful and well spoken . Her hair was a very light blond almost white and was cruly while mine was a dark brown with silver ends.  My mother was the definition of perfact.  I blame that on her angle blood. 
I was snapped out of my thoughts when my mother started tapping her feet impatiently waiting for my answer .
  Now I know we both knew I would agree but not really do what I was saying.
" If I said yes and then do exactly what I was not ment to do will we have to sit here tomorrow and have this same conversation again? " I asked giving her a bored look.
  " huh well I gave it a try!! " she said more to herself .
   After that we finished our breakfast and started training.  Ughhh! 
  " Today we will be doing drills and flying stances" my mother said walking around the born. 
  " Mama you do know I will never learn how to fly properly if I'm not able to be in big open spaces " I said looking at her with a bored expression today for the second time
  "All in do time darling"she said and
paused "Now make your wings appear "
  I did as told but it was painful for I was not used to breaking my skin over and over again .
My mother gave me an apologetic look when she saw my face as I endured the pain. 
  "Okay let's get this over with " I said taking a deep breath
   "Spread your wings... Slowly " m y mother said and I did as I was told.  " okay good now try to push off the ground just alittle bit " I did as told again and started to lift myself off the ground using my wings. My wings are a pretty gray color with siliver caps on the tips. 
  We continued this exercise until it didn't hurt anymore and ten moved on to my magic part. 
  Just like every time it's just moving stuff and putting things that break back together again. 
  Most of my days consistent of this as for my mother said she would only teach me what I needed to know how to do . As the day went on we did our normal routine. 

*around dawn *
Once I finished practice I headed up to my room for a nice bath and nap . 
  When I got into my room I felt like someone has been in here while I wasn't.  I tried not to make it noticeable as I walked around just in case they are stael here.  As I was looking around a saw movement in the corner of my eye then all I saw was black. 
*waking up*
Light was shining on my face as I started a awaken from my unexpected slumber.  I tried to open my lids but my eyes said 'oh hell no girl close them back! '. I blinked really hard to get used to my surroundings . As I was able to fully open my eyes without as much pain as before .I looked around I was in a white fluffy bed with matching blankets.  Looking around more I found that every thing was white except my dark workout clothes. 
  "I would go insane with all this white all the time! " I exclaimed to myself

  I thought about what happened then mom popped into my head . Where is she!?  Is she okay!?  Did they kill her!?  Oh my gosh what if they did!?

  As all these questions were going through my head the door to the bedroom opened revling a tall man about in his late thirties . He had blond hair just like my mother a crystal blue eyes jut like her to.
  "Ahh your up! " he said with a sweetly sucking voice like the one my mom used when she new I did something bad. 
   " Where's my mother! ?" I wasted no time in the questioning
    "Don't worry shes fine come with me a few people want to meet you. " he said  dismissing my question . Tis just ticked me off!
  "I'm not going any where with you for all I know you might be so kind of creep! " I said getting out of bed ready to fight if needed .
  "Now now there will be no need to get all worked up you will be able to see her once you follow me. " he said with the same kind voice this time throwing in a smile as well .
  "If you pull ant tricks I'll bash your teeth in " this caught his suprise. 
  "You have nothing to worry about child, " he said trying to compose himself
  "I'm not a child get that out of your head and we won't have problems sir "I said with as much venom as possible as he just looked at me bum founded "you gonna lead the way or stair at me all day " I said raising my eyebrow in victory
  He wasted no time walking me to where I was suppose to go . We took many lefts and rights even went down stairs. 
  When we got to this big golden door he stopped and opened the it with this symbol on his hand.
   As the door opened peoples chatter filled my ears. When we walked in the chatter stopped and all eye were on us .
  I looked around many people my age and older looked up at my in utter confusion . Whispering things like 'who is she ', 'what is she? ' is this the reason the elders wanted us here? '
  I stayed silent as we keep walking down the long tables to get to this huge high table with full of old people sitting there. 
  "This must be Elizabeth's child I'll say your are as beautiful as her if not more! " a old women I'm the middle of the table said standing up as we approached the long table .
I didn't say anything just stayed alert for any danger. 
  "Now don't be so tense we won't hurt you" the women said walking out from behind so she could get a better look at me .
  "I'll say your eyes are so peculiar one blue for light court and one green for dark court . " she said as she was going to reach to touch me but I quickly rerracted my wings making them take me a few feet away from her and giving and warning growel.  This caused everyone to gasp even the women. 
  "You got ten seconds to tell me where my mother is before I rip all of your heads off! "I roared loudly
"You've got quite a temper on you darling." The old women said smiling.  This ticked me off !
  "Do you think we are playing a game!?  I will gladly give you discrimination that I am not the one you should be messing with right now!! " I said in a deadly voice earning a scared look from the old women .
  "No you are well understood. " said and them wispered into the ear of the man that brought me here . I was very   cautious when he left and the women turned back to me with a smile. 
  "What is your name darling ?" She asked looking at me in the eyes with a smile plastered on her face. 
  "That's on a need to know basis and you don't need to know !"  That was the last thing I said but she sure had it out to know more about me . She didn't stop with the questions and I didn't stop with the smart ass answers. 
About ten minutes later the big golden door opened revealing my mother.  She didn't look hurt or anything but she had tear trails under her eyes.  I waisted no time in meeting her. 
  "Oh gosh mama I thought I was going to have to go on a killing spree to find you! "I said hugging her like my life depended on it.
  "Now let's get to business as to why we brought  you here! " said the old women. 

My very first chapter and I already left y'all on a Clift hanger🐯

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