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My eyes fluttered open. I had had a very tiring night. At first I couldn't really remember where I was. Yeah. We had moved. I looked for my phone. Dang! I totally forgot to charge it. I found the charger and looked around for an electric socket.

It was still seven o'clock. There was no way anyone else would be awake. I contemplated on going back to sleep and decided against it. I had a long day ahead of me and my room looked like a tornado had just passed in there. At least the bathroom was clean. I brushed my teeth and took a shower. I came out and and located my iPod. The battery wasn't dead yet. I could play some music. I tied my hair back in a messy bun and found some clothes. A pair of jean shorts and a yellow top with a purple heart on it. I went downstairs to fix myself some breakfast. I found some frosted flakes on the kitchen counter and there was milk in the fridge. I picked up a magazine from the kitchen table and skimmed through as I ate. Nothing interesting. I dropped the magazine on the table washed the bowl in the sink and went back to my room. I tried to analyse the mess but it was too much to deal with. I picked up my journal and hugged it. Feeling the embroidered cover with my fingertips. It was almost like my best friend. Actually my first best friend had given it to me on my birthday last year. She had actually flown all the way from Mexico to Tokyo for my birthday. I sighed. I missed her so much.
It's a new day in a new place. It's cool. I think. No noisy neighbours and none of the urban pollution. I miss Tokyo. If nothing at all I certainly miss Rick. We stayed up talking all night before the day of the move. The time zones has got my days mixed up so it's now before the move and after the move. I wonder how we can keep this relationship going. We're like on opposite sides of the world. Which is true. Moving all the way from east to west gained us a few hours. My Geography teacher would be proud of me for remembering that. So today I'm just unpacking and clearing up my mess of a room. I love it already. It's quite big. When mum wakes up I'll ask her for the supplies and start working on the room. This time around they listened to me and painted the walls purple and the ceiling blue. No pink. Guess I got to get going.
I put my pen down and stashed the journal under my pillow. I heard singing from the kitchen. Mum was probably up already. I shouted,"Mum! Where are the supplies? I want to start with my room". Her voice came back. "They're in the room on the left of yours and the stuff you chose for your room are in a box labelled Ashley's room. Call me if you need help dear. But keep it down. Some people are still in bed." "Sure. Thanks." I found the room and the box she was talking about. It was quite heavy. I started with the wardrobe, wallpaper and a bit of spray paint on the walls. Placing the carpet. Vacuuming. Dusting. And finally arranging my clothes, bags, shoes and other stuff in there. Then I placed the full length mirror. Perfect. Five hours of hard work. I took a break and went down for some chilled lemonade and sat down on an easy chair on the front porch. A girl my age passed by and came up to say hi.
"I'm Natasha Yevenovich. Russian. Call me Tasha."
"Nice meeting you umm Tasha. I'm Ashley Brooke. Everyone calls me Ash. Nice meeting you."
"Got to get back home now. So yeah. Pleasure meeting you. I'm just across the street. See you around."
I waved at her and got back inside. She reminded me of Megumi, my closest friend when I was in Tokyo. Then it hit me. I hadn't communicated with her since we arrived. It hadn't been a day and I was already forgetting. I went upstairs. My phone was done charging. I unplugged it and turned it on. Whatsapp. 25 messages from Meg. I called her. What time was it in Tokyo anyway. It was noon. Approximating a 15 hour difference I guessed the time to be around 3 am. Hopefully she wouldn't be asleep. She answered and her cute face invaded my screen.
"Hi Meg. Konnikyiwa."
"Don't you konnikyiwa me. You've been gone just three days and you're already forgetting me. Have you finally read my messages? How is the place? How big is the house? And your room? Send me pics. Have you met anyone. Are the guys cute?"
"Hey. Slow down. Relax. Sorry for not calling earlier. I've seen the messages. We're in the suburbs. But quite close to town. The place is cool. The house is nice. I saw this cute guy yesterday. Pizza boy. But I was too tired to engage. Decided to put my room together. Oh and yeah. Before I forget I met another person..."
"A cuter guy?"
"No dummy. A girl. Boys aren't the only creatures on earth. She's called Natasha. Tasha for short. And she's Russian. She seems nice though. Everything around seems nice."
"Seems not is. Be careful. For all you now she might be a Russian spy. Just be happy and have an interesting life. Get me a cool American boyfriend. And speaking of boyfriends I might finally get the chance to steal yours. Mwahahahaha. Professional evil laugh. Like it? Look. Just have fun and always keep me updated. Otherwise I'll get spies to do that. And be good. Don't forget I'll be stalking you. My granny's coming. Bye."
She ended the call even before I could reply. That was my best friend in Tokyo. A paranoid, crazy, interesting, wise(once in 6 blue moons), ... Okay I've run out of adjectives. I just loved her. Life without her was going to be plain boring. I decided to go wash down and go out to get some freash air. Explore a little. Maybe make some new friends. Yeah.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2017 ⏰

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