19// Old Money

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My eyes open to see the lit room indicating it's morning. I sit up and stretch out my arms as I let out yawn. From the corner of my eye I see a slight movement from the couch at the corner of my room.

I turn my head to remember Nate slept over last night. He's sound asleep on the couch cuddled under a blanket. The sight of him asleep brings a smile to my face.

I quietly get out of bed and slip on my slippers. I go downstairs to get breakfast ready, Nate is a guest and I must be a great hostess.

Of course, Like usual, Milly has beat me to it. "Banana pancakes with pecans and bacon this morning, you're favorite." Milly smiles as she's whipping up a batch of batter.

"Will you come with me when I go to college?" I ask her and she laughs "If there's room for me." She chuckles .

"Always." I say.

"Your earl grey is brewing but it's almost done." Milly says "I'm also making some coffee for your friend." She adds and gives me a smirk .

"He is my friend, Milly. He also happens to have a girlfriend." I state "With that face, I don't doubt it." She replies and I can't help but crack a smile.

"His face is one of the many perfect things about him." I say and she smirks at me "Your innocence never fooled me."

"I don't know what you're talking about it." I tell her in a joking manner. "Mhmm."

"I smell pancakes.". Nate emerges into the kitchen with a smile on his face. Milly wiggles her eyebrows at me then goes back to cooking. "Banana pecan pancakes to be precise." I say.

"That sounds amazing." He says with a look of fondness. He sits down on an island stool beside me "How'd you sleep?" I ask him and he turns to me "So good that I don't remember falling asleep."

"Don't you just love that?" I ask "Very much so". He responds and I give him a smile.

Milly sets down a plate in front of us with two pancakes and a few slices of bacon. "Thank you but can I also have the...". She hands me a bottle of whipped cream and I give her a smile. "Thank you". She knows me well.

She serves us a glass of orange juice then leaves after as Nate and I eat. I swirl some whipped cream onto my second pancake then drizzle some syrup.

"These are great." Nate mutters in satisfaction. "Only Milly can make pancakes like these." I comment.

"I must say these are better than Jack's." He says "You said it." I agree.

"I hope your mom isn't upset that you spent the night." I tell him. He shakes his head as he cuts his pancake up into pieces "She's not. She knows I'm in good hands." He says.

"My hands or Milly's" I question him "I'd have to say Milly in keeping me fed but you for keeping my mental state stable." He responds.

"Sounds accurate." I chuckle and he smiles. "You have whipped cream on your face." He chuckles. He brings his thumb up to the corner of my lip and gently takes off the cream. He then licked the whipped cream from his thumb.

I gazed at him at every movement only to catch myself starring. I look away and to my food as certain thoughts come into mind.

Later that day Nate and I attended the van der Bilt reunion party for lunch. He refused to go but I convinced him otherwise along with Vanessa and Dan as they stopped by Nate's house when Tripp van der Bilt came by.

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