Extra: Move

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Izuku is out of breath. He's been running and dodging from 3 strong villains in an abandoned building for the past 10 minutes.

He was assigned with Gran Torino partnered by Number 4 hero Best Jeanist's agency to track down and arrest a crime syndicate that has been selling quirk boost drugs to numerous small criminals, increasing crimes in the city. Izuku and Katsuki Bakugou were the only hero students who participated in the mission only to observe the mission despite Bakugou's ranting.

Just after 20 minutes of the mission, they were ambushed by dozens of villains and due to the commotion, Izuku was separated.

Despite running around the building, fleeing from being chased by villains, he hasn't seen or heard from other heroes. He was getting nervous that something must have happened and he's getting tired of thinking about it. The first person that pops in his mind is Kacchan. Izuku shakes his worry. Kacchan is strong and he won't lose to anyone, right? Izuku bites his lips, even though he knew Bakugou is strong, the building being too quiet despite Kacchan's quirk is making him anxious.

After what felt like years, Izuku may have outrun the villains and hid to an empty room and crouched down in between crates and boxes. Izuku was panting and tried to control his breathing. Under the dim lighting, he sees a figure on the other side of the room.

If another villain is hiding here, he has no choice to fight now. As the figure suddenly moved, so did Izuku. The figure was just sitting on the floor with it's back against the wall. Izuku was on his fighting posture when sparks went off on the figure's hand. Only one person's quirk can do that.

"If you fucking go near me, I'll turn you to ash motherfucker."

"Kacchan, it's me."

Then the sparks died. "Deku..."

Izuku moved slowly towards Kacchan. He was thanking God that he finally found another hero. He found Kacchan.

"Don't...stay the fuck away..." Izuku heard Kacchan. His voice sounded tired and in pain.

Izuku rushed to his side in a heartbeat, despite Bakugou's empty warning. He gasped on what he discovered. Bakugou had bruises and scratches everywhere. His left gauntlet was missing and his hero costume was in shreds. The most horrid thing was that a long knife was protruding in Bakugou's left abdomen, blood spilling and making a small pool on the floor.

Izuku was stunned at the sight. "Kacchan...oh no...Kacchan..."

Bakugou gave a dry laugh. " I told you...to stay...away..."

Izuku hurriedly ripped some of his costume off to stop the bleeding. He doesn't know what to do with the knife but he knows Kacchan will bleed out if he pulls it off of him.

" What happened?"

Bakugou replied through the pain. "Ambush...got separated...Teamed up by 7 villains..one asshole got an Erasure quirk like Eraserhead's...but I beat the shit out of them"

"I got separated too Kacchan.." Izuku was trying not to sound like he was about to cry.

"Are you..okay?, Bakugou asked sounding concerned.

Izuku tilted his head, looking confused. "Of course Kacchan, can't you see m-"

Bakugou raises a hand in front of him. " I can't see you.... Deku."

Bakugou didn't injure his eyes so it didn't make sense that he can't see Izuku even with the dim lighting. Izuku can see that Kacchan looked unfocused, scared...

No no no no, Izuku screaming in his mind. This must be a dream. Please make it a dream. I don't want this.  I don't want him to look like this. God, please...

Izuku caught Bakugou's hand and laid it on his cheek. It was bloody but Izuku pressed it hard so Kacchan would feel it. "I'm okay! I'm right here..i-its so so d-dark here..that's why you can't see..me...Kacchan." Izuku can't hold back his tears.

He doesn't want to see this. He still has so much to say and do with Kacchan. They just recently became friends again. He hasn't been able to tell him tha-

"Deku...I love you.." Bakugou suddenly declared. It was barely a whisper but Izuku heard it loud and clear. Bakugou looked in pain but was smirking, satisfied and content.

Bakugou laughs again. "I said...it first...I win."

Izuku laughs then cries. He grips Bakugou's hand on his  cheek tighter and presses the blood soaked cloth on Bakugou's wound with his other hand. He stares at Bakugou's unfocused red eyes. The fiery red eyes turned slowly dim and weak.

"You win, Kacchan." Izuku said in defeat. He was smiling sadly, silently wishing that he could hear Kacchan say it again minus the blood pooling from Kacchan.

"You win...so...you better take me on a date after this, okay? You..have to take responsibility for winning..." Izuku says, tears flowing and pouring on his face.

Bakugou smirks again, more slowly this time like it takes all the energy to do it. He nods in agreement and closes his eyes.


No answer.

"Ka- Katsuki?"


Izuku panics. He shakes Bakugou by the shoulders. " Hey...KACCHAN WAKE UP!"

No matter what he does, Bakugou won't move again, won't say his name again and Izuku prays, just prays to God. He doesn't care if it's Kacchan screaming at him or calling him names or punch the daylight out of him, Izuku wants him to move again.

Izuku cries until there were no more tears. He wailed and screamed until his voice gave out. He held Bakugou's hand until his own hands ached.

Yet nothing changed.


The other heroes finally found them.

They spotted them lying next to each other holding hands.

Both with a small smile on their faces like their having a good dream, despite the blood all over them.

The heroes looked grim and guilty, afraid that if one would wake up, they'll wake up to a nightmare.

Just another fic. Cuz I'm bored and want death. Jokes. This is just a little extra extra. No worries. Hope you like it!

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