Extra: Call my Name

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I am back to shitty UA after being house arrested for a few days with Deku. We spent the days cleaning the damn dorm! But I couldn't complain that much since it was my shittiness to begin with. At least I spent the days with Deku...I feel myself smiling. Gah! There's something wrong with me. Ever since the fight, when I see Deku or even when thinking about him, I feel this weird thing, like I'm going sick and my heart is beating so fast. Shit. Did I get sick? I think I'll visit Recovery Girl after class.

I was a bit early for first period and was the first one in class. Well, that means I'll have a few minutes of peace before shit-for-brains or hair-for-brains come. I go to my seat and placed my chin on my palm and stare lazily on the window.

I remember the days where I stare at the sky while I eat my lunch on the roof during middle school. My fellow shitheads of a gang were annoying so I eat alone back then, in which I don't do now since Kirishima is a stubborn idiot and a few will flock as well. Back in middle school, from time to time, Deku beats me on the roof. I didn't care where he eats but that won't stop me from eating on my spot.

I didn't bully him as long as he won't bother me, or maybe because it felt more like a bother to do it during lunch. It wasn't a hobby of mine to beat the shitty nerd everyday. So, I did sometimes eat lunch with Deku, but usually with a five meter distance and in silence. But, there was that one time...



I glared at Deku, who had the guts to bother me during lunch. I mean I know its just the two of us on the roof but that meant there was no need for a little fucking conversation.

"WHAT?!" I sneered at him.

Deku flinched and even had second thoughts to proceed with the conversation. He took a big breath and continued.

"Do...you want me..to stop calling you Kacchan?"

I froze. I felt something wrong with me. Like I was so angry for no reason. My blood was boiling and I wanted to blow up.

Deku continued like he didn't even notice my glare at him.

"Like, I know you don't like my guts, I know you hate me, we were friends before and I gave you that nickname but I know...we...aren't now..so you must hate it when I continue calling you that so I'll stop, okay?"

Deku was teary eyed as he continued blabbering. I was just sitting there looking at anywhere other than Izuku. I feel the rage coming up and if I look at Deku there might be a chance I'll beat him up for no reason.

It never bothered me. Deku calling me that nickname. I didn't care. I called him Deku as an insult and it stuck with me. I get to call him that and no one else. Deku was the only person I allow to call me Kacchan. No one would dare.

But why? I feel that if Deku stops, if he calls me another name like the other shitty people in class, I'll lose...I'll feel....I would feel like I won't very get the chance to...


I snapped out of my thoughts with the way Deku called my name. It felt weird and sick like it doesn't fit the way Deku says it.

Deku looks at me confused but sadly smiled at me. I noticed some tears on his eyes. God. The name, the face, the tears. Like it's a fucking goodbye.

Deku gets up and walked back to class. As he walked passed by me, I heard him say,"I'll see you in class, Bakugou-san."

I hated it. That name on his lips. Bakugou-san? Who the fuck is that? It sounded distant. Like I was a stranger. HE sounds like a stranger to me. I don't know why even the name made me so mad and confused.

I grabbed Deku's wrist before he walked away from me. Deku looked back at me but for some reason I couldn't look at his face. I continued to stare at my feet and gripped his wrist tighter.

"Don't....call me that, shitty nerd. It sounds sick on my ears."

"I just thought you didn't like it...I know I annoy you so maybe I'll just stop with this cutsy nickname...I'm really sorry, Ka- Bakugou-san!"

I grit my teeth as Deku said that annoying name again.

" I told you to stop calling me that! Fuck, I don't hate yo- I mean! Fucking hell! Did I tell you that I hated the name?! NO!!! I don't hate it!!!!"

I looked up to see Deku frozen in shock. Then, for some reason, he does that thing where he cries and smiles at the same time. He should choose one, that fucker!

I let go of his wrist. I bowed my head to hide my face. I felt myself heat up. Did I say something weird? I think I did. Well, fuck! What did I say again? I don't hate it? I don't hate the way you call me Kacchan is equal to I LOVE THE WAY YOU CALL ME KACCHAN.

God! Nooooooo...Even with my personality, Deku isn't stupid. From his reaction, he clearly misunderstood the message!!! God, kill me now!

I noticed Deku walking away from me. I see him open the exit door but before he walked in, he turns to me with a relieved smile.

"See you in class, Kacchan!" and left.

I was alone on the roof, heating up from embarrassment, but looked at the sky with relief in me. I'm not angry anymore, I guess.

I'm back! So, thanks for the people who liked my work! I really appreciate it! :) It seems Kacchan does like the nickname. It always wondered me that even though through the years he still let Deku call him that. Really, it's like a baby name!! So cute! But I do think he really doesn't care. In my story, I imagined Deku calling him Bakugou is like letting go of the idea that Kacchan was his friend and maybe they won't be friends in the future. Woah. That's what I thought but in Kacchan's POV. Does he still want to be friends with him? Does he like it? Hahahaha! Will he feel lonely? He calls him Deku but ever since UA, other people call Deku that so it's not a personal name anymore. Sad! But it was an insulting name but became an inspiration.

I do wish Kacchan would be his hero name but I don't think it will happen? I still really wish for it since it can be a reminder for him that that name was born from a person who calls him amazing. And he uses that name so he won't forget. So when he feels inferior or feels like he's losing, he'll remember that name to not give up. To always win! To be on top!

Gosh, I'm typing so much! Thank you again! Hope you like it!!!

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