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Midoriya Izuku puts away the last trashbag outside the dorm after a day of cleaning. It's day 1 of his house arrest with Bakugou Katsuki and they have spent all day cleaning at least half of their dorm. It's spotless due to Bakugou's consistent desire for perfection and Izuku is actually drained from his anal rantings.

Izuku walks back to the hallway towards his room and glanced at his watch. Still a little early for everybody to come back, I'll just take a nap. As Izuku walks at his usual hallway, he suddenly stopped. His eyes widened as he sees Bakugou on his door. His hands on his grey loose jogging shorts. He was wearing his usual black sleeveless shirt with a large smiling skull as a design. His ashen blond hair spiking up all over his head that always reminded Izuku of a porcupine. He was barefoot and was leaning with his right foot tiptoed on the floor. Bakugou's usual scowled expression on his face but if you look more closely, he looked tense.

"Kacchan?" Izuku sounding concerned. They were supposed to be cleaning the dorm in separate areas and just go back to their rooms, as requested, more threatened by Bakugou himself.

Despite their heart to heart talk slash punching with each other, Izuku thought their relationship were improving. But, Kacchan still yells at him and sometimes he just straight up ignores him in the middle of a conversation. There was that one time when Izuku grabbed his shoulder during class, Bakugou suddenly pushed him away and threatened to roast him if he touches him again. Uraraka only gave Izuku a deep sigh to him like she knows what's going on. She doesn't tell him anything though.

Bakugou tilts his head to Izuku as he heard him. His glare intensifies as Izuku approaches him slowly to ask him why he's here. Bakugou's deep red eyes looking intently at him . Izuku managed to look away, his face flushing. He can't misunderstand his actions. He knows their relationship right now is fragile and he can't mess it up with a crush!

Bakugou was unusually quiet. It looked like he wanted to say something but he aggressively shuts his eyes and walked away.

"Kacchan?! Why are you here? Did you want something?"

"It's nothing" Bakugou simply replied. Izuku could only stare at his childhood friend seemingly walking away from him. The silent thuds of each step on his barefoot. He marched off slowly. Too slowly than usual. Bakugou was actually limping and drops of blood trailed in his path.

"KACCHAN! YOU'RE BLEEDING!" Izuku dashed towards Kacchan and grabbed his shoulder to stop him. Like reflex, Bakugou suddenly pushed Izuku away, slipping and stomped on his right foot to keep his balance.

Izuku gasped at the loud grunt that came on Bakugou's mouth. He was on the floor gripping his right foot with such intensity that Izuku thinks it would actually break.

"Kacchan! What's wrong?!!" Izuku worried and afraid as he kneels down beside Bakugou. Bakugou could only whimper in response. A tear on his cheek.

Izuku could only suspect an injury on his foot. He holds Bakugou's hand away from his foot, almost using his quirk because of Bakugou's death grip on it.

Izuku winced as he saw a large sharp glass impaling on Bakugou's right foot. It was large and halfway on the foot. Blood pouring out and staining the floor.

It might have gone deeper as Kacchan fell. God! He must have been in so much pain. When did this happen?!! Why didn't he tell me before?! Gah! Wake up, Izuku! This is Kacchan we're talking about! He doesn't like asking for help! But....he was standing on my door. We're the only ones here right now...he was going to ask me! He walked here, on my door. He was going to...

Izuku almost began to cry but shakes his head violently to stop. I can't cry! He picked Bakugou up as he could gently and sprinted to his room. The door banging open as Izuku kicked it off of its hinges. He laid Bakugou on his bed, putting old clothes and his blanket on his injured foot as blood stained his bed.

Bakugou Katsuki: Re-Origin (KatsuDeku)Where stories live. Discover now