chapter 11

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So as promised here is the next chapter, if you like it please do vote.

Shanaya's POV

So I went away to Goa, but only for a week. When I told Ansh and Ritika about what all happened between Karthik and me they were ready to beat the Sh*t out of Karthik.

But some how I convinced them not to be violent, though I know that they are not fully convinced, and will do something. Later I got to know that Karthik had called me up while I was sleeping, so Ansh picked up the call. Karthik wanted to talk to me, but I never called back.

Anyways I enjoyed a lot with my besties, they made me forget all my sorrows. We spent a lot of our time on the beach itself. I enjoyed myself to the fullest, and have a lot of new memories with me.

At the moment, I am in the car and am going back home. I don't know how is Karthik going to react, but I am not scared. After all this is precisely what he did, and Shanaya Subrmaniam, actually Shanaya Iyer is not scared of anyone. So I will face whatever is going to come my way.

The time is 10:15 in the night, and I am  deciding whether to ring the bell or open the door with my keys. Finally I open the door with my keys. I closed the door behind me, and made my way towards the living room. As I was nearing I can hear some sports commentary. So Karthik is awake, damn.

I reach the living room, and silently tip toe to my room, I am about to cross the living room when "where are you going?" Asked Karthik, "to my room." I awnsered Karthik in a duh tone. I am about to leave when, he came and blocked my way. I sign him to move from my way, but he doesn't move. "Shanaya, please tell me what are you up to." "I am up to sleep Karthik." I replied, though I was dreading what will come up next. "Shanaya stop joking, why did you go to Goa without informing me.".

"You actually want to know?" I asked Karthik. "Obviously, that is why I asked you!"

"Fine then I went there to give you a taste of your own medicine." I told Karthik.

"Shanaya just get to the point, and if you are trying to tell me that you are getting me to feel what you felt when I went to USA then this is no reason, I don't need to tell you everything, but you do. Till we are married you are my responsibility. Plus do you know how difficult it is to manage the questions your parents and my parents ask. It is really difficult to awnser them and make excuses they believe in." Said Karthik in a really frustrated tone.

"Karthik what you felt for just one week I felt it for six months. The difficulties you faced to lie to our parents, I faced it for six months. The frustration you bared for just a week I bared it for six months. If I am your responsibility till we are married, then aren't you my responsibility till we are married?" I told Karthik, trying to keep my calm, and talk like a mature adult.

"God Shanaya stop comparing everything I did. Just stop it!" Karthik told me getting angry.

"Fine I will stop, but then don't question me." I told him and went away to my room.

I dumped myself on the bed, and cried my heart out. After calming down, I realised that I need to do something and that is go talk to Kavya.

Next day

I woke up got ready for my office, went downstairs to have my breakfast. I was surprised, Karthik was sitting and having breakfast, "what stop staring at me, I do have breakfast." Said Karthik, and I felt a bit embarrassed but doesn't matter, I went to have my breakfast.

It felt a little weird, I mean I used to have breakfast alone, for six freaking months. My phone rang breaking the silence. It was ma.

Me- " hi ma, how are you?"

Ma- "I am fine beta, could you and Karthik come home today, like right now, I know  Karthik is not busy because I saw his schedule, but how about you?"

Me- " I don't really have any important meetings today, I only have one which can be done through face time, so it's fine I can come. But what happened."

Ma- "good, actually you know Karthik's atte(aunt) right, her daughter is getting married, so we need to help in the wedding preparations."

Me-" ya I know her, and we will come in sometime, chalo bye, see you in sometime."

Ma- "hmm bye, come fast."

"Karthik we need to go to your palace, we need to help ma with the wedding preparations for your atte's daughters marriage, so we need to leave in sometime." I told Karthik, "but what about office, I can't leave that and come." Said Karthik, "Karthik ma has seen your schedule, and she knows you are free, so I don't think you have any options." I told him and he just nodded.

We finished our breakfast, and Karthik took his keys and left, I took mine, and closed the door. I headed towards my car when Karthik came in front of me and said, "Shanaya I knew you are weird, but I didn't know you were a little mental."

"What the hell Karthik you called me mental, what is wrong with you, have you lost it, no one calls me mental. Get that straight." I told in an irritated tone, how dare he call me mental.

"Right so what do we call mental People, I mean we are going to the same place and you are taking your car, when I am already taking mine."

"Firstly I am NOT MENTAL, and secondly I wasn't sure if you wanted to go with me or not sooo." I told Karthik, "okay so now you know right, so come and sit in the car so we can leave, or else Amma will get really pissed off on is, so come." I just nodded and went and sat in the car and we left.

So that was the chapter, oh and beta means child in Hindi, and Shanaya calls Karthik's amma(mom) ma, and Karthik calls Shanaya's Amma ma. Atte (aunt) is Karthik's only atte, so Shanaya and Karthik need to help.

I really hope you like this chapter and if you do please vote, and I will now make my next post 31st of August, and from then on I will be regular. I hope you can understand, and till then take care 😊

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