chapter 36

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Hey guys thanks for letting me know your opinions, anyways as of now Karthik needs to suffer a little more before he gets forgiveness. Anyways let's start with a new chapter, and it's not edited feel free to tell me where the sentence construction goes wrong.

Karthik's POV

What the hell! How is Sara here? Wasn't Rehan managing her? Then how did she come here? OMG I don't want to deal with Sara again, I am so done with playing tom and jerry with her, ugh.... now where is Rehan!

Finally he decided to mark his presence, but what happened to him, why is he so tensed? He walks up to me and Sara is staring at me intensely, she is freaking me out. Rehan comes to email and whispers in my ears, "Bhai I can't manage Sara, she is out of control, she is some sort of a maniac, get her treated! She is freaking me out, she pushed me on the sofa and was hovering me, you know she would have done something to me." He whined, complained, and was scared at the same time.

Then he again tells me, "I am outside you manage this lady, if you need me for moral support later I will come in, till then you control her, I can't, I give up" and he walked out. Wow, what kind of a friend do I have, but he is also freaked out thanks to Sara.

Now what do I do so that this pain in the neck Sara leave? "Hey Karthik, I wanted to meet you since such a long time but that friend of yours Rehans, he won't leave me, but finally I got rid of him. Anyways you know I had so much to talk about with you." She told me, "umm... Sara I....need to use the washroom." I told her and rushed to the washroom without waiting for her to responding. I was going to use the washroom for the second time in five minutes, thanks to Sara!

Now I have been waiting in the washroom for ten minutes, and am thinking of ways to get Sara out of my way. I have called my PA and have asked him to come and call me in another five minutes for an urgent meeting, and for that I need to go back to my office.

But things can never be easy and planned out in my life, my PA left without informing as he had some emergency. I am the CEO of the company you work in and I am the one who gives you salary, you are supposed to inform me, I so wanted to tell this to my PA, but then he had an emergency so he is excused.

Now I need to think of another way to get rid of Sara, but first I need to get out of this washroom. How, just then there was a knock on my door, "karthik are you fine?" It was Sara how the hell did she get here? I am in the vents washroom, she is actually creeping the Shit out me.

I didn't awnser her question, so she decided to continue banging on my door. Can't she just leave me alone, what kind of a person is she, I am MARRIED! What does she not understand, but I doubt she even knows I am married. But as of now I don't have the guts to telling her anything, because even if I go near her, she is ready to come on me, not even near me, but on me.

Oh I got the perfect idea, I am going to go out acting as if I am talking to Shanaya and I am Inna hurry, anyways Rehan and I need to go to amma's place, and I will switch off the phone so that I don't get any calls and don't do anything embarrassing. Wow, I am a genius!

"Hello Shanaya... ya ya I am leaving, don't worry" I was doing my acting, but just the Sara stopped me. "Karthik who is this Shanaya, and anyways you are leaving can you please drop me home, I don't know the roads in Mumbai, and my car has gone for repair." She told me, oh shit how did I forget, Sara doesn't know about Shanaya. I so don't want to drop her home, I will do anything to away from her.

"Sara I am in a hurry right now, I have to leave, but I will ask one of my employee to drop you home." I told her, I picked my bag, coat, and Rushed out. I didn't wait for her reply, but I yet don't believe this, that I, Karthik Iyer who doesn't run away from anyone is running from a girl, and everyone in the business world afraid of me to quite an extent, is afraid of a girl.

I found Rehan, "let's go, I am done so done" I told him. He nodded and we quickly got out of Mr.Darny's office. We reached near our car and looked at eachother and started laughing.

Then we first went to my house, the two of us changed and then we left for amma's place.

Shanaya's POV

I was talking to Dhruv he was telling me about how Karthik tried everything to be away form Sara. He even called Rehan to help him. I had a great laugh, one thing got confirmed that Karthik was not active g of being away from Sara because I was there.

Right now I am heading to ma's place (karthik's mom). Soon I reach there, karthik's car is already there that means he is inside. I parked my car and walked in, and I was Shocked with what I saw. Karthik was standing there with the look of how-much-worse-could-this-get. Why? Well infront of him Sara was standing.

The look on Karthik's face for me to laugh a lot. Oh and I had already come up with this great plan, I am going to act as of I am not karthik's wife, even if he will try to call me his wife to stay away from Sara I will deny. This is going to be fun, I can test karthik as much as I want this way. I am so so so smart, I am proud of myself.

So that was the chapter, hope you liked it. If you did please vote, and think about what will happen now, with Shanaya's plan, and Sara being there to make it worse. Again the chapter is not edited.
Take care bye 😀

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