Chapter Fourteen.

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     All I want is nothing, if I can't have just one more second of your undivided attention.

"Frank, wake up." 

I rolled over, mumbling an excuse as to why I should stay in bed, when the curtains of my room were dragged open allowing the light of the morning to flood my bedroom.

"Come on, Frank. It's Friday," my mom's voice reminded me. "One more day of school and you're off for the weekend."

The word weekend immediately sparked my attention and I shot upright in my bed, my eyes opening and then closing as the light hit me.

"But I don't feel well-" I tried to sound convincing but my mom's glare cut me off and I began to pull the covers from over me and climb out of bed. A triumphant smile spread across her face and she motioned to my desk where my Batman mug sat.

"I made you a coffee," she smiled. I reached out my arms lipmly, whining because I couldn't reach it. "And also, Gerard called," she added, glancing at me in an instant. She laughed quietly when she saw how my eyes lit up and I shifted in my bed. 

"What did he want?" I asked, trying to sound casual after a few minutes of staring at her.

"He wanted to know if you'd like a lift to school today-"

"Yes, tell him yes." I jumped out of bed and ran over to grab the coffee, drinking it quickly before shooing my mom out of my room and getting dressed. Slipping on the first clothes I found, I ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth and run my hands through my hair. Making my way back into my room to pull on my combat boots and to grab my school bag.

I could hear my mom talking on the phone before she came into my room again, telling me that Gerard was on his way. "He said you should wait outside for him," she smiled, kissing me on the head as I said bye and practically sprinted out of my room towards the front door.

As I stood at the end of the driveway, I continuously glanced behind me to make sure my mom wasn't watching out of the windows. To my relief, she wasn't. The curtains were still closed in all of the downstairs windows, and I figured she'd be in the kitchen making breakfast, rather than upstairs.

When Gerard pulled up after about five minutes, he leaned over the passenger side seat to open the door for me, smiling and signalling with his hand for me to come over. Mikey was in the backseat of the car, obviously having been told to by his older brother once again.

I smiled back, slightly running towards the car and slipping into the front seat next to Gerard, who immediately started the engine and began driving down the road and towards the lane to school. Mikey stayed quiet the whole time while me and Gerard drowned eachother in conversation from things such as comic books to sleeping, from coffee to art. It all seemed to have a link, even when Gerard classed art as painting and I classed art as the music I make with Pansy, my guitar.

I glanced behind me to see Mikey staring at me, an absent grin on his face. He spoke for the first time since we'd been driving. "You guys have really hit it off, haven't you?"

I coughed slightly, adjusting the zip on my jacket. "What?"

"Never mind," he sighed, the grin still present. Wow, great going Mikey. Way to make it awkward.

"Alright, guys. We're here." Gerard stopped the engine outside of the school and Mikey let out a laugh.

"Thanks, dipshit. It's not like I didn't know what my school looks like."

"Watch your mouth or I'll only be letting Frank ride in my car," Gerard smirked and leaned over the seat to Mikey. "Now get out."

"Meet me at the vending machines?" Mikey asked me, and I tilted my head in confusion.

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