Chapter Nineteen.

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     Save room for me in memories, I'd love to always be a small part of what makes you smile from time to time.

The next day was incredibly hectic; I promised Gerard that I would help him to unpack as many boxes as we could until I had to leave for the train to go back to Jersey. We made sure to get up fairly early so we would have plenty of time to get as much done as we could, but in the end we found that there were way too many distractions. We managed to kill a couple of hours until around 11am by making and eating breakfast, and of course I was just having too much fun going through all of Gerard's embarrassing things from his childhood that he'd never thrown away.

I pulled the item my fingers were clasped around from the bottom of a box labelled 'DO NOT THROW OUT!' As I realized what I'd came across, I felt the corners of my lips twitch upwards into a smirk. I spun around to face Gerard from across the room, startling him in the silence when I yelled, "Oh shit! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figures!" 

From where Gerard was failing miserably to fit together a little desk from IKEA that Lindsey had thoughtfully bought for him, I saw his head snap up sharply and his eyes seemed to almost bulge out of his skull when he finally realized that I'd found his secret stash of man-toys.

I let out a small laugh, turning back around with a grin as I peered further into the box, but gasped when I felt Gerard's arms suddenly wrap around me from behind while he reached frantically for the action figure I was now attempting to hold above my head. It would have worked, too, if Gerard didn't have the advantage of height and I wasn't completely helpless and weak when I was laughing too damn hard.

"Give it back!" Gerard cried, attempting to take it from my grip, and then resorted to trying to tickle it from me. I managed to wriggle from his grasp, stumbling across the room and falling over a polystyrene block from one of the many boxes. I landed with a thud on the floor beside the sofa, the action figure cradled to my chest as I watched Gerard leap over the block I fell over previously and climb on top of me, his legs straddling my waist either side. "Frankie, please," he laughed as I struggled, wriggling underneath the weight of his body.

"Never!" I yelled dramatically, my laughter causing my limbs to become weak, and eventually Gerard managed to snatch the toy from my grip with an "aha!" Holding it above his head in triumph, he remained straddling me. I sat up, wrapping my arms around his torso and flipping us over so that I was on top of him. "No fair," I grumbled. "I wanted to play with it."

Gerard smirked up at me, the toy tight in his grip. "But it's a collectible," he mumbled, and I snorted, grinning back at him and leaning down to connect our lips in a playful manner. Instantly, the action figure was forgotten and I felt Gerard's hands tangle in my hair and pull me closer.

After a few seconds, I pulled away, my breathing heavy as I pressed my forehead to his. "I love you, you fucking dork." He didn't reply, but he let out a heavy breath and his lips parted into a grin as he reached his hand up to cup the side of my face, allowing himself room to begin kissing my jaw line, trailing his lips gently to the soft spot behind my ear. 

"Do you really have to leave, Frankie?" Gerard breathed into my neck, and a shiver involuntarily shook through my body. "Mm, we could y'know, just stay here forever. We'd never leave the apartment." His hands found their way to my hips and I felt him start to trail his hands up and down my sides, occasionally slipping them gently up my shirt in the chastest way.

I let out a breath-y laugh, shaking my head at him. "Mm, where would we get the money?" I sighed, brushing the hair from his face gently with my hand when I heard him groan in protest at my question.

"Let me have my fantasies; nobody has to work in their fantasies," he mumbled, leaning up to bury his face into the crook of my neck. "Not that I don't love my job," he added. "I just don't want to leave you, I'm gonna miss you like fuck."

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