Chapter Eighteen.

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     If tonight's our night baby, just don't hurt me, don't hurt me. I'll give you my heart.

The drive to New York seemed to go a lot faster than our first trip there, mainly because I had managed to get around twenty minutes sleep nearing the end of our journey before I felt the breeze of the car door opening, the cold hitting me and wrapping itself around me like clingy fabric. I shivered, pulling my arms up to my face, not even entirely sure what I was trying to achieve with doing so. The cold air was soon being replaced by the warmth of arms wrapping around me, one under my legs and one around my back, cradling me close and lifting me out of the car.

I stirred, but before I had the chance to panic about who it was that had hold of me, Gerard's soothing voice reassured me that I was in safe hands. I heard the door of the car being slammed, and then we were walking. Instinctively, I reached my arms up to wrap them around his neck, burying my face into his shirt and sighing. I felt Gerard's lips press against the side of my head, and then to my ear. "Shh, it's okay. Go back to sleep."

The next thing I remembered was waking up somewhere I only vaguely knew, still feeling myself cradled to Gerard's chest. My hand, which was still wrapped around Gerard neck, slid down his chest. I listened to his soft snoring and I smiled. When I finally opened my eyes, I took a moment to look around the room and take in everything. This was Gerard's new home, and my soon-to-be home. Then I glanced up at Gerard. He was sat upright against the back of the sofa, his head tilted back slightly and his mouth cracked open as his breaths came out softly. 

I shifted myself carefully, being sure not to wake him as I moved to face him, straddling his legs. I studied his peaceful features for a few seconds, allowing the pad of my thumb to carefully trace his jawline before placing a sweet kiss on his cheek. Leaning forward so my lips were by his ear, I hummed a little before whispering, "Gee, wake up, we have things to do."

I moved back slightly, my eyes flickering to his lips as they cracked into a tiny smile; barely noticeable, but still there. He wasn't fully conscious, but he was wakening slowly. He sighed as he reached a hand up to rub his eyes roughly before opening them half-heartedly to look at me. His tiny smile seemed to get bigger until he was grinning tiredly at me. We remained silent for a while, staring at eachother, I returned the grin and sighed happily. Eventually, he spoke the word, "Hey."

"Hi," I replied, and Gerard reached up to tuck the hair hanging loosely in my face behind my ear. I leaned in slightly to the touch and his hand slipped behind my head, gently pulling my face towards his and he connected our lips. When he pulled away, I glanced around the room at the few boxes that were lying around, then furrowed my brows. "Where's the rest of the stuff?" I questioned, turning to face him again.

"S'not here," Gerard shrugged.

"Thanks, dork. I didn't realize." I rolled my eyes and Gerard chuckled, leaning forward again and kissing my nose.

"I don't think the moving truck is due here for another thirty minutes." Gerard glanced at the clock on the wall. "You hungry? I could make us something quick."

I hummed in consideration for a few seconds, allowing my hands to slide from around his neck and down his chest, before resting them in his lap. Gerard's eyes flickered to them and then back up to my eyes. I tilted my head, biting my lip and thinking as Gerard remained silent. "I think we should go out for food," I finally contributed, watching as a small smile graced his features.

"Now that you mention it, I'm kind of in the mood for Italian," he smirked, snaking his arms around my waist. Pulling me further onto his lap, I leaned forward to kiss the curve in his neck. I felt Gerard relax underneath me, his hand pressing into the small of my back. I moved my hands, about to begin sliding them up his shirt when the sound of three faint knocks sounded on the apartment door. 

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