Chapter one

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Please ignore any mistakes and try to bare with me, this is my first book. Please let me know what you think. I hope you guys enjoy my book. Love you guys!! Keep smiling, your beautiful!!

I stared and stared at my reflection in the mirror hoping the bruise on my cheek bone would disappear, but sadly that didn't happen. I quickly grabbed my make up bag and covered up the bruise, I had received from my loving father before he left for 'work' meaning attending one of his whores.

As long as I've known my father he's been an abusive man, the reason my mother left him. Their divorce left them fighting for the custody of my two older brothers and me, but all I knew was that somehow the court handed me over to my father and my brothers over to my mom without any visitations.

I quickly finished up my make up and made my way out the house and into my car, even though it was old but it never let me down and always got me to places.

I parked the car in my usual parking spot in the back parking lot of the college and made my way in to attend the three classes I had today.

As the hours passed by I kept dreading that the day was passing by and I would eventually have to go back home to my abuser. After my classes, I made my way to the library to work on my homework for an hour which was easy since I had homework from one class today, less homework as the final semester was coming to an end.

After finishing my homework I still had time so I pulled out my book to read before my time to leave.

I drove to the Holiday Inn in town where I worked at the front desk from one to seven today.

After parking my car, I quickly made my way to the back where the locker rooms were. It was empty, yet it smelled like variety of perfumes from other girls who have been in here to change.

I walked out the changing room wearing only pantyhose with black pencil skirt and white button down shirt with green vest, with some black dress shoes.

After a quick change I made my way to my station which was behind the desk. Hours went by with only 2 customers, asking them 'how many rooms they wanted? whether they wanted one bed or two, checking Ids, signing them in, and whether they wanted to pay in cash or credit' before handing them the keys to the room.

"Hey Venus, it's time for your break. I brought you something to eat from the kitchen." Said a familiar voice from behind me.

Turning around I smiled at my best friend Sean who I've known since seventh grade.

"Thanks, I was really hungry."

"Don't tell me some crap went down and you missed breakfast again?" He questioned looking worried.

"When doesn't shit happen in my life?" I asked.

"Your wearing more makeup than normal, that should've answered my question." He said more to himself. "You know your almost 22, why don't you move out?"

"You know exactly why."

Sean was one of the only two people who knew about my life, about the abuse I face, the nightmare I live. The reason why I haven't walked away from it all.


I had just turned 16, when I started acting the way I normally wouldn't, for some reason it was hard for me to control my own self, it felt like I was a puppet in the hands of a puppeteer. Something inside me wanted out, wanted to take over. Some would call this a rebellious form but to me it was more than that. I was constantly feeling something clawing to be let out especially when my father would look at me, say something to me, or hurt me physically.

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