Chapter six.

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Opening my eyes only to witness nothing but the brightness, bland plain white nothingness as I float away, before I noticed my spirit standing before me.

My spirit was so beautifully perfect, dressed in a white gown that was loose, free flowing, and blow the knee. From my spirit emanated a bright, soft-white halo. My spirit was standing six to eight feet away from my body. It was so strange, for I could see my spirit and my spirit could see my pathetic body. I had not an ounce of color, I looked all withered, cold, and lifeless. My spirit slowly moved away, my spirit told my body goodbye, for my spirit saw the light and wanted to go into it. The light was like a circular opening that was warm and bright before my spirit could move any farther away a voice called out, freezing my spirit where it was.

That voice wasn't mine, I thrashed my head around trying to figure out where the voice came from only to realize it came from the light.

The voice was beautiful and melodies, I knew that voice, I've heard that voice before, it belonged to my grandmother.

"Nana." I breathed it out, a word I haven't used in a very long time. I wanted to weep with joy, I feel so light, and there's no more pain.

"I've missed you, my beautiful girl but, this isn't for you yet."

"I missed you too, Nana." I cry out trying to move closer to her and wrap her in my embrace but it seemed as if I was glued in place.

"Darling you need to go back, that is your place. You have a lot to see and discover." She said as I noticed she was still in the light.

"I can't go back, that life is filled with nothing but pain." I cried.

"I love you Venus, it will get better, but you need to GO BACK NOW!" She screamed as the ground gave out beneath me.

I was falling through the darkness again, pulling me under hard, only to spit me out pushing me to the surface, and into the bright light as I was blinded by it but I could hear everything around me.

"Alpha Daniel... I can't do this... I've never seen injures this bad, there's no way of fixing this damage. This is next to impossible."

"Do something! Fix her! Make the impossible, possible or I swear you won't know what came for you." He shouted.

After that was said all I heard were the sound of feet moving around fast as possible.

I felt him, grazing my cheek with his fingertips, slowly moving them to my head and running them through my hair, it felt nice. I didn't fight it as I drifted off to sleep.

I was startled out of my sleep when the cold air currents hit my back causing sharp pain to shoot into to my spine making me let out a loud grunt.

"Oh you're awake, honey." Said a female nurse from across the room as she made her way to me "I'll give you some sedatives to help you sleep and heal faster."

I watched her as she injected me with sedatives, after couple of minutes everything in front of me blurred and I was back into the darkness.

The sound of beeping machines were ringing in my ears they were too loud and annoying. I slowly started opening my eyes but they felt too heavy as I slowly opened them even more I was blinded by the bright lights, it hurt to look, it hurt to breath as all I could smell was rubbing alcohol and medication, which made my nose     scrunch up.

The slightest twitch of my body sent a sharp pain shooting in my spine making me freeze up as every inch of my body hurt.

Memories of what had happened came back flooding into my mind, tears rolled down my face only to be soaked up by the pillows. My body was feeling stiff, who knows how long I'd been laying on my stomach, while my back was completely covered in bandages.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2020 ⏰

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