Chapter Thirteen

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I don't care anymore but since this is already typed and everything, here you go. It's a stupid story and no one wants to read it. Anyway...

The carriage rolled into the driveway of a mansion. The house is beautiful.

I'm going to be living here. All my life, I have been struggling, living off of the work I do. Thomas and Mary took me in to raise me as a hard worker. And they succeeded.

I was able to work on the Pony Express. Now I won't need to work.


Tonight, my father asked for me to attend a party so he could introduce me to his friends. I agreed. I've never been to a party before.

I had my own personal maid help me into a beautiful dress. This can't be happening.

"Emma, this is a good friend of mine, John Howard. And this is his son, Wesley," dad led me across the room.

"Hello there," John reached out and I shook his hand.

"Hello," I replied.

"Hey," Wesley said. He kissed my hand.

"Well, is it alright if I leave Emma with you while your father and I converse?" Dad asked Wesley.

"It's alright with me." Wesley took my hand, and led me to a bench on a balcony.

"So, I understand that you didn't grow up here?"

"Nope. I grew up in Wichita," I replied.

"Wow. So what was it like, living out there?"

"Well, they owned a hotel, so I did a lot of working." Wesley looked into my eyes, and I looked into his. We both started laughing.

"I'm sorry, it's just that you aren't like any other girl I've ever met."

"In a good way, or a bad way?"

"A very good way."

And so we talked, about a lot of things actually. I found out that Wesley's dad owned the Standard Oil Company. And he was filthy rich. But Wesley didn't care about the money. And I liked that about him.

Wesley's dad and my dad walked onto the balcony.

"Having fun?" My dad asked.

"Yeah, a lot," I said.

"Maybe we'll have to stop by another time, because we have to go," Wesley's dad said.

"Awww, and I we'll definetly hang out again," Wesley smiled at me,sttod up, and hugged me. Then he walked out with his dad.

"Wesley sure is somethin', ain't he?"

"Yep." I nodded.

I walked back into the house, and made my way to my room. Wesley really is something. I smiled.


"Wake up, miss! You have a visitor!"

My maid woke me up. A visitor?

I rushed to get dressed. I tried to make myself presentable.

"Morning beautiful." Wesley. Of course.

"Morning to you, too, handsome." Wesley deserves the title. He has perfect brown hair, and piercing green eyes.

Wesley took my hand.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see," he said, swinging our hands. I couldn't help but laugh.

Do you think Emma is in love with Wesley? Wait for the update (or keep reading) to find out.

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