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* Perfect - Ed Sheeran
January 4th + January 5th, 2019

"I'm going to throw up," I say to Carter as I pace the room back and forth.

"No you will not! You just need to calm down and breath," she laughs. "Your wedding is tomorrow. Everything will go perfectly fine."

"He won't even tell me what song we are going to be dancing to. Knowing Niall, he'll probably have 'Act My Age' as our wedding song," I say letting out a groan and collapsing on the couch from exhaustion.

"It's not going to be that, trust me."

"Wait, do you know what it is? He told me it's a song that I love but I love a lot of songs."

"No, he never told me but I can assure you that it won't be 'Act My Age' or any song like that." She goes quiet for a moment. "Do you know when Harry is getting here?" She quietly asks.

"He's already at the hotel with the rest of the boys. What about that cute boy you've been texting?" I wiggle my eyebrows but she just rolls her eyes.

"There's nothing going on. He knows my whole situation and he's respecting it. We are just good friends."

I was telling her the Gods honest truth. I wouldn't lie to her, especially about this. Aidan was a really nice guy and he was charming and very attractive but I still haven't moved on from Harry. It was going to take a while for that to happen.

It's the night before Niall and Kass' wedding and of course, Kass was freaking out. She was making up the craziest things that could go wrong but it was all in her head. But she had nothing to worry about, this wedding was going to be perfect.

As for me, I was very nervous as well. I haven't seen Harry since we broke up and I've been staying away from social media. I deleted all of my accounts so I wouldn't be tempted to look at his whereabouts.

I would ask one of the boys how he was doing but they never gave me a straight answer. I was getting better and feeling better. I never had a panic attack about the situation after the one I had at his apartment which was a plus.

Now, about Aidan Gallagher. That whole night at the club was a blur but I remembered him clear as day. He texted me the next morning making sure that I was okay and it was the sweetest thing. He's a great person to be around and we hung out multiple times before I went back home.

I couldn't help but feel guilty. Here I was, texting this cute guy but I was still heartbroken and in love with Harry. But I promised myself that I would get better because I can't keep holding myself back and hanging onto the past.

I was nervous as hell to see Carter. I never replied back to her voicemail and I wasn't planning on it. She needed her time to move on and so do I but it hurt. It hurt not knowing what she was up to or who she was with.

When I asked Kass about her, she would always tell me the same thing which was "she'll be okay." But would she? I wasn't. Not even close. I could only wonder about how she's been feeling but I guess tomorrow I will find out.

*** january 5th, 2019
I woke up around ten and I walked out onto the balcony, instantly regretting it because it was freezing. Ireland is not kind when it comes to the winter weather.

But today, I would be marrying the love of my life and my best friend. The whole package deal. She really was one of a kind and I couldn't wait to start this adventure with her and start a family. Our kids would be the cutest things in the world.

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