Aunt Lola

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Well we were waiting for aunt Lola. She took her time I may add. It was ten past 6 and we are starving I mean... you can't go to someone's house and just eat their food without greeting them. That is just rude. Unless it's your best friend's house. Then it is understandable.

So there we sat with our tummies grumbling as if we haven't eaten for months. Even that goldfish looks good to eat right now.

Ughhh I am so hungry. And just at that moment my tummy rumbled like crazy and it was really loud...

The girls could not hold there laugh and I laughed with them
"Well now we all know you're hungry just like the rest of us" Lucy said as she could not keep in her laughter.

We can hear someone opening the door and we all stand guard. Lucky for us it was just Aunt Lola. 

My aunts face went all white as she looked behind me and I turned around to see what made her so pale... behind me was Chloe with a baseball bat...
"Chloe where on eath did you get that baseball bat ?... put it away" I asked and also demanded

I gave a nervous little laugh as I turned to aunt Lola. "Hello auntie... nice to see you again"

"Hello Emilia. It sure is great to have you here and your sisters. I can see why you're so close."

She smiles at pore Chloe that doesn't know where to put her head in the sand.

"Didn't you hear the car?" Auntie asked. "No not really ... Emilia's tummy were grumbling to loud for us to hear.' Jasmine said and we all laughed.

"So you guys are probably
Starving."aunt Lola stated
I could not help it I started to sing it...
" I didn't know that I was starving till I tasted you"
"Emilia please tell me you are talking about pizza." Abby said
"Of course what else would it be."
"Humans" she answered. "Welll now that you mention it it would be jummy." I said and chase her aroud the couch.

"Girls calm down I will order some pizza now and then we must talk about things." Aunt Lola said.

We went and sat down on the couches. It was kind of awkward now. If a grown up says... we must talk... you get that feeling that you did something wrong.

"I hope se does not go into the bathroom." Jasmine said breaking the silence

"WHY?" we all ask together.

" I broke the vase" Jasmine confessed.

Before anyone of us can say something Aunt Lola came in.

"Pizza will be here in about 20 minutes. So now we can talk. Okay so first of all welcome to my house.  I am very happy to have you all here. Especially you Chloe now we know we are save... but we have to have rules. You guys are 5 girls. And I know each of you very well. And Emilia your the biggest trouble maker."

I looked at her shocjed but we all knew it was true.

"So I don't have a lot of rules so it won't be hard to forget.
1. You should always let someone know where you are or were you are going.

2. If you need something just ask.
3. You need to be honest with me at all times.

4. The big one... boys... you may date them and they can sleep over but in separate rooms and I have to know they are here.

5. Weekdays I want you all in your rooms at 10:30 at the latest 11:00

6. Do well in school.
And I think that is all the rules I have. Any questions?"

"Auntie Lola uhm I broke the vase in the bathroom on the first floor. " I said

"Thank goodness. I got it for birthday present and I hated that thing. And out of manners I kept it. Now I am rid of it. Thank you."

The door bell rang. "Emilia would you go and get the pizza the money is on the kitchen table."

"Sure thing auntie. Enjoy gossiping about me" I said laughing.

I got the money and went to the door and opened it.

Dis was the first really cute boy I have seen seen in this town. Blond hair and green eyes. My knees went from bone to jelly in like ten seconds.

He had cute dimples and was standing there waiting for me to stop staring at him as if he was the first boy I ever saw. Dahm Emilia reallllll smooth.

"Uhm sorry, here you go." I gave him the money and took the 3 pizzas by him.

"Bye... see you tomorrow at 5. "

Wait what did he say. He said... what a jerk not even asking... just saying... if all boys are like him I don't want to know the rest of them. I got stuff to do tomorrow like ...uhm... homework.

"Wait ...why?" I ask

"Your mom ordered for me to deliver pizza again."

" oh okay. " stupid Emilia really stupid.

I wennt inside and must have lloked really confused because everyone started laughing at my face expression.

"What happened honey. " she asked in a voice that was as sweet as honey. Then it struck me... Aunt Lola planned this.

Dammit aunt Lola 1-0 me

"Auntie since when does the pizza place have cute/hot pizza deliverers.  I mean... where did he come from cause if there is more... can I go. Except maybe attitude can be change"

"Then you will love school tomorrow. And why were you shock?" She ask again with a voice as sweet as honey.

"Well I think I starred at him for a few seconds. And then thought he asked me out. But turns out he is going to bring pizza again tomorrow. "

"Wait... wait... wait we are having pizza tomorrow too. Aunt Lola adopt me please." Lucy asked like a mad person
And all we could do is just laugh. Maybe her bedroom should have been pizza themed and not snow.

To late to change now.

We all talked about school and what to expect. We were all nervous but glad we had each other.

Soos we all went to bed. As I am laying in my bed right now. I think about how I am going to survive the night. Having nightmares. At least the room is sound proof and sooner than I thought I was asleep.

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