Chapter 19

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With his black tux on and a red rose on the pocket of the suit, Rico stepped inside the family limo to head to the funeral home for the viewing. Tati sat next to him crying her eyes out so Rico put his sunglasses on and looked out the window. The drive to the funeral home didn't involve any talking, only silent crying. Before anyone could step inside the funeral home, Kens parents had to view the body first. Rico stepped out of the limo and called Alexis to see where she was. After finding her in the crowd they stood next to each other until it was time to go in.

"You look handsome." Alexis told him.

"Thank you." He eyed the crowd of people there for Ken.

After standing outside for a few minutes, everyone was able to go in to view the body. Rico stepped up to the casket and touched his cousin. Alexis looked at the good job they did and how peaceful his face was. Rico stood there for a few minutes and then walked away to find a seat. Alexis held his hand, taking glances at him to see if he was going to cry. Rico kept a straight face, speaking to the family members walking past him.

"Good morning." Alexis made room for Tati and Rianna to sit next to them.

"Good morning, Alexis." They responded.

"You okay, Rico?" Rianna asked.

"Yeah." He shrugged, but it was written all over his face that he wasn't.

After the viewing, it was time for the funeral to start. The family stepped out and reentered for everyone to watch. Rico wanted Alexis to stand next to him so they walked in together and sat in the second row. Ken's mother loudly cried while his father rubbed her back. Piano music played and then stopped once everyone took a seat. The pastor greeted everyone and began with the sermon. Alexis started crying because seeing everyone else cry made her sad.

As the pastor talked, Rico kept his head down while a few tears fell. He basically zoned out the entire time. He didn't pay any attention to the speeches, obituary reading, nor the prayers; he just stared at the casket whenever he did look up. The gospel music playing made him shed even more tears and he was ready to leave. The room was jammed packed and every seat was taken with cries from almost everyone.

Alexis didn't let Rico's hand go not once during the funeral. He was squeezing her hand super tight without even realizing it. In pain and all, she didn't move or say anything about it. The pastor said a few more words and allowed each row to view the body for the last time. Once Rico got up there, he shook his head and kept it moving. The closing of the casket got him real emotional because he knew that was it. When the pallbearers got up to take the casket, Beanie stormed out the funeral home with his face red from all the crying.

"I'm a go see if he straight." Rico told Alexis.

Rico went outside and found Beanie standing on the side of the building. He wiped his face and then walked over to him.

"You straight, man?" He tapped Beanie.

"Nah, son. I don't know how I'm a shake back from this." Beanie shook his head.

"You gotta stay strong. We all gone miss his ass." Rico looked back at them bringing the body out while playing jazz music for the secondline.

"He was like family to me. They took care of me when I didn't have my family." Beanie watched them put the casket inside the carriage.

"You still got me, nigga."

"Balee that." Beanie hugged Rico.

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