A note Before.

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So, hello people, this is my first real story or book, work of fiction, whatever you so shall please.

Anyway, this is a fan fiction, but not in so many ways. I literally just base the looks of the person and in Harry's case, the name. The total mock up of the character will be different, so it's a fan fiction because I think Harry is fucking hot, and so I based that character off of him, but he's not famous.

So now that that is out of the way, I hope that you enjoy reading this as much as I do writing this.

A few notes on my writing styles, (haha, see what I did there? PUNS! 😂) I like to introduce my characters, so at the beginning of this book there is a very minimalistic character profile. (Literally just their full name and age.) If you want to skip those by all means, do so. I also don't like to completely create my characters before writing my books, so there might be discrepancies between chapter one Elliott and chapter 300 (who knows how long this book will be) Elliott, if you notice anything that is a complete change of character, please do NICELY correct me in the comments, if it's not that big of a change, leave it, people change just as my character changes, if someone's favourite colour is red in one chapter and blue in another, it won't kill you.

With all that being said, I'm done now! Cheers if you've made it this far!

What else do people write? Like comment and vote? Do those things!

Love ya!

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