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At the hangar's entry...

Police agents are still waiting outside for the firemen to finish their work inside, smoke and burn's smell filling the surrounding as Swara parks her car nearby.

She gets down with Laksh' approaching the site, presentations aren't necessary, it's not the first time they meet Inspector Maheshwari and letting them greeting each other warmly, she walks a bit apart taking her phone to send a check her received message:

" Kya hua, Swara? What's going on?... you're scaring me!!!"

She frowns recalling Laksh's words during the drive, her best friend had joined a women's association working in protecting rape and aggressions' victims with a new identity. She started a new life but three years later she was killed in a car's accident!

Three years later! This is just impossible!!! For a moment, her suspicious mind made her imagine that she never knew Ragini via internet again... that someone is just playing with her for all those years but then it's also impossible ... she knows Ragini like she knows herself and They patched up two years after their separation. Swara then has started working as a cop and applying the rules she knew so much important, she didn't even try to see her even once.

But then, Laksh would never give her unverified information and she can't just tell him that his perfect apprentice wasn't so perfect!

She closes her eyes frustrated. Ragini's reply is playing on her nerves, she fights her need to just ask her to talk via video conference to erase that doubt killing her!

On the other hand, if Ragini knows that she has worked with police to catch Shekar Gadodia, she's unaware of her new life turning an agent herself. How will she ask her about that accident without revealing her reality?

- Swara?
Laksh s voice makes her land back in present time and place. Firemen finished their work which is mostly ruining hers! The crime scene is by now a hip of so many people's traces!
She joins the team she's collaborating with for the two past months. Inspector Jack Buckanan, agents Steve Walkers and Stan Davis. They were very helpful at her arrival. Her researches for the months before had leaded her here... She's sure that Don is about concluding a master deal of armament despite the fact that no one believes in that! Not that he's unable to have such big deals but this kind of work is usually done in some far unfrequented zones not here in one of the biggest business centers in the world.
She follows them inside the hangar unaffected by the uneasy smell of burned plastic and chemical substances. It was a depot for a pharmaceutical products factory...
Gloving her hands absentmindedly, she thinks about the message she just sent to Ragini :
"We have to talk, Ragu... Face to face!"

Then, keeping her pone in her pocket she finally approaches her colleagues who are busy listening to the first ascertainments of firemen near the rests of the electric dispositive explaining that a short circuit is the origin of the fire. Laksh' asks about the corpse, Jack explains:

- They're clearing the area there, the roof collapsed under the high temperature...

Swara takes out her camera starting to shoot every coin minutely walking in straight lines avoiding contaminating the crime scene more.

She asks approaching the workers who are shifting the metallic boards crowded aside:

- How do we know that it's Jay Singh?

- His car is at the back entry and it's his own collaborator who declared the fire saying that they had an appointment here with him this morning...

She looks back to him surprised, and then focuses on the last boards being removed to discover the corpse adding pressing her camera's button:

- How was him?

DON'S OBSESSION: Chasing the hunterWhere stories live. Discover now