How it feels... to...

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Sorry lovely people fort the long delay 🙏🙏🙏🙏
So lets move  further in this aventure

Sanskar takes a seat at coffee shop's terrace putting a plied newspaper on the table in front of him, waiting for his command; he checks some mails until some waiter places a fuming cup of coffee. In this early morning's chillness, he welcomes the heat emanating from it smiling to the smiley formed by its foam.

Putting down his phone, he takes the cup to his lips looking down to the first page's news, the photo was taken in the last night's party and his gaze couldn't get away from hers figure, the woman who haunts his thoughts!

He coughs a bit at the first sip, his phone rings and taking a second one, he picks it up to see the caller but his hand trembles as he coughs again, the cup in his other hand shakes while he keeps it back on the table, the coughing crisis getter worst as he starts suffocating, he drops his phone gripping the table's edge trying to take his breath back, tears beam at his eyes while his vision darkens, he tries to get the glass of water on the table in vain, he's panicking in lack of oxygen and just when he thinks that he's about fainting, he feels a sting piercing his neck!

Swara's face is the first sight he has when his vision becomes clearer as she brings the glass water to his lips helping him drinking between his remaining coughs, she's surprised as he grips her wrist forcefully thinking that he's taking her hand away, but he just keeps looking in her eyes while drinking calmness winning his shaken senses back slowly.

Retiring the injection from his neck, she kneels to the ground picking up his phone he has dropped unknowingly then smiling to his widen with shock eyes, she puts it on the table looking up to his face and says:

- Severe allergy toward peanuts... how... cute!

Swara's mocking tone doesn't make him react, despite the fact that he's still panting trying to catch his breath, his burning gaze was just fixing her eyes emotionlessly when she adds:

- Did you know that coffee's taste masks any added ingredients?

Seeing his tensed body relaxing slowly, she approaches her hand to his face asking without breaking the contact with his eyes:

- How it feels Sanskar?

She wipes his lips corner continuing:

- To see that a danger can come from nowhere at any moment?

Her tone fails masking her anger saying that line he told her the last night, she recalls her falling in the void and the scene she watched helplessly strangled by his hand and says her huge black eyes widening feeling the ire submerging her more:

- Threatening me using Laksh' was too bad, Sanskar... you're not that weak that you need to play filmy tricks to make me back off! So this is the rule, Don... if everything is fair in love and war, this war is just between you and me!

She's about telling him that she's still not afraid of him even if he could shoot her while keeping roses in her apartment as birthday gift but something breaks her thoughts, her hand reaches instinctively his eye's corner collecting a pearling tear there with her thumb. She frowns looking in his eyes again and suddenly she sees it, an expected triumphal shine as his lips stretches in a wide smile recalling her his words that night:

"- so bold, so strong, so dark... what are you doing with those cops, Sweetheart?"

Without saying further, she turns away getting up and closes her eyes in need to gather her shattered thoughts. Then don't even looking back to him, she walks away! He presses his throat smirking recalling her words!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2017 ⏰

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