Dining at The Beach

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Please comment whether you like this story or not.. I will really appreciate it cz this is my first English-written story, thank you..

[The Beach]
The wind blows softly, bringing the smell of the sea. The waves are small. The sky is clear, and full of stars. Kara can almost see the constellation where krypton was.

"This is nice." Mon-El hug her from behind.
“You're still warm.” Kara says.
“I don't care about powers right now because I have you.”
Kara turns. She smiles seeing mon-el in knee-shorts and comfy shirt. They kiss for a while before heads to the table, where two attendants wait for them.

"Ms. Danvers, Mr. Matthews. We're ready to give you the best and the most romantic dinner ever. Have a seat."

"Jonz was thorough." Says Mon-El before eating his meal.
"Yeah. When he say DEO is going to take care of everything, I never thought it's gonna be this ... total. They even book a scuba diving for us the day after tomorrow."
"How do you know?"
"The booklet that prepared in our villa, it has every info." Kara answers.

"I'm wondering... Does DEO do this to every alien asset?" asks Mon-El.
"Shh.." Kara told Mon-El to lower his voice, in case anyone will hear.
"There's nobody here. We're in a private beach. And faaaar away from national city. No one will care about us."

"But still ... " Kara's sentence was cut when Mon-El's lips touch hers. It is a long and passionate kiss. They both couldn't stop if not because the waitress.

"The dessert is here." says her.

"Okay." Mon-El sit back to his chair. The waitress brings something in a covered stainless plate because it's a mystery dessert.
"Enjoy." say the waitress while opening the cover.

Suddenly a green light emerges and Kara feels weakened and dizzy, like everything is spinning. She tries to stand, get away from the table.

"It's a kryptonite !" she yells.
Mon-El reacts better. He already pins the hand of the waitress in the back.
"What are you up to?" he asks.
"You'll see." She said mysteriously.

Mon-El lets the waitress go as he hears a small explosion and Kara blasted a few meters away to the ground. The dessert plate turns out to be a kryptonite bomb that creates an aerosol, poisoned air for Supergirl.
"Kara!" Mon-El gets her to stand but Kara is too weak. She even struggled to breath.
"The kryptonite is in the air." she said weakly.
"We will get out of here. Stay with me, babe. Stay with me." he takes her, preparing to run.

That is not the only problem. A dozen man with guns surround them. Mon-El recognizes some of them as DEO agents. Both Mon-El and Kara are confused. Mon-El decided to put Kara back to the ground. Too risky for them to try escaping.
"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE ? YOU ARE DEO AGENTS !" Mon-El shout. He takes position in front of Kara.

"You're coming with us Valor. Either easy or hard way, you choose. We still have more kryptonite grenade." says a man looks like the boss. He holds something that definitely looks like a grenade.
Kara reaches out to Mon-El's hand, pulling herself to stand up.
“Careful, babe.” He said while holding her tight behind him.
"Why do you want Valor?” ask Kara briefly.

"The High Council of Daxam wants him back to his people. Your choice, Mon-El. Come with us and no harm will come to you and her." The man points the gun to Kara.

“Since when does the DEO Agent follow what Daxamites say?” Mon-El says emotionally.
“Since they pay us more. Anyway, no more talking. Let her go and come with us!”

“What if I say no?” He is angry. The only thing holds him from rage is Kara. Fighting these men can put Kara in danger. Also, he doesn't have his powers right now, and so is Kara.
“We will hurt Supergirl. We can, and we will.” Somebody else say.
"Are you threatening me now?" Mon-El lost it and come forward. Suddenly three shots of gun hit him.

"No ! Mon-El!" Kara yells.
"Arrgh.." Mon-El grunts againts his pain and fall down.

"Mon-El hold on, I'm sure help is on the way." she already press her "panic button" twice but no DEO agent is coming.
She wants to fight all these men but she can barely stand. How much kryptonite was she exposed to?

"Lets go." two men grab Mon-El and force him to stand.
"Get off." he says while struggling but there's no point.
"I'm not sure you understand the situation here. You will go to the Daxam ship. Or, you will die from the peroxide poison in your blood right now. Your choice." Mon-El starts to feel the poison take effect. It's harder to breath, and his body feels weaker.

"I will never..."
"You will." says the other man. "Say goodbye to him, Supergirl."

"No, no, don't take him. Please." Kara pleads. She can easily be overpowered by a man.
In the middle of his suffering, Mon-El still make time to see his girlfriend in the eye, and with painful effort say, "You'll be fine. It's okay."
And he lost his consciousness.

“No! Please don’t take him!” Kara tries to fight, but she can't. She really hates being weak.
"Mon-El.." Kara can only cry when those men take her partner away. Where, she absolutely doesn’t know.
Then she falls to the sand.

to be continued...

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