The Next Morning

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[The Villa]

Kara awake and close her eyes again immediately. It was too bright.
"Ugh." she moves her hand and hit something above her.
"There you are. Don't move yet." she hears Alex's voice.

Kara is in the villa bedroom. Some big yellow lamps shine her, hit her with artificial sunlight. The windows also wide open, letting the sunlight in. Everything is blurry until her memory returns piece by piece.

Kara sits up. Alex try to hold her. "You need to rest."

"No, no. Mon-El..."
"I know. I know. Take it slow. You were hurt, Kara." says Alex.
"No Alex you don't get it, Daxamite .. They took him, again!" Kara panics.
“Kara calm down!“
“How can I be calm? Mon-El is taken away from me. For the third time now! I hate them! How if they experimenting on Mon-El? They want to know how he neutralise the lead, Alex. How if...” Kara babbles in her own negative thinking.

"Shh. Listen. DEO has contacted the Daxamites. We're discussing a truce. We'll have a brunch at the ship in an hour." Alex talks while turning off the yellow lamps around.

“What? Is this something that really can be ... talked ? His life is in danger !" Kara get emotional.

Alex sighs. "Listen to me. You're the one that always say there is other way. This is the other way. We will discuss how we can save Mon-El without a war. Prepare yourself." she throw a dress to her sister. The yellow one.

[40 mins later]

Kara looks at the mirror. She would say that she looks terrible, but she doesn't care.  The love of her life has been taken by her greatest enemy, the people who invaded her planet. She was crying. Plus, she just awoken from severe kryptonite exposure. Those are perfect reasons to looks terrible.

"Ready?" Alex shows up at the door. She's all dress up and ready. Kara bets there's a gun under that knee-length skirt, but she stays silent.

"Hey." Alex reaches a brush and give Kara's cheek the pink blush.

"Mon-El will be fine. We'll get him back. He's gonna be speechless seeing you. Come on, they're waiting."

Kara has the time to ask "speechless?” but Alex didn't answer.

[The Beach]

"What is this?" Kara is a bit confused because of the crowd in the beach.
She sees Eliza, James and Lucy, Maggie, Winn and Lyra, Ms. Grant, Jonz-Jonz, even Lena. Seems like everyone is here.

Why is everyone here? These people just smile to her and says nothing. They form a small aisle for her to follow. Kara just walk until she sees him.

Feels like she never sees him before. He is … handsome.

And looks very well.

Kara doesn't need any command or direction because her feet take her directly to Mon-El.
“I thought I lost you.” She said while throw herself in his hug.

“I'm here.. I'm okay..” Mon-El holds her tight.
“How did you..?” She take a step back, observing her boyfriend from head to toe.
“You're okay? What did they do? “
Mon-El smiles. “You worry about me?”
“Is that even a question?” She asks back.

They stand one meter away from each other now.
“I'm sorry that I scared you.” Mon-El holds both Kara's hand. “It was all necessary.”

Kara quickly looks around. People still mysteriously silent while smiling. What is happening?

To be continued...

So, I'm gonna tell you all that this is gonna be a short story. Maybe just one more part left. I can't wait to write another one but seems that I don't have the time. Hope you can enjoy this short entertainment !

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